Oh My GAWSH! Today Was our skool Halloween dance and it was so fun... BUT I FELT SO SINGLE T-T cause everyone was dating someone but um anyways it was so fun and me and my friend Kristina were haveing a butt shaking contest and i won! lol jking no one won but um anyways we were trying to teach my friend kayla how to shake her but but she couldnt do it! we were trying to teach her the butt pop or sumtin like dat lol it was so fun everybody ws actin crazy and Boys were dancin like girls and Me and my friend Alyssa were dancing together like the whole time we were dancin together to Hammer Time and The Twist and some slow song and me, alyssa, and Kristina were all in a circle shakin a bootys OMG IT WAS SOOOO FUN! and im soo effin hyper cause i had like tons of soda and Darrius was there but he only danced to song like Cha Cha Slide and Electric Slide and stuff and it was crazy but I need to find a boy friend! My prince charming that walked up my street (and we staired at eachother) hasnt come and swept me off my feet yet and Im giving up because that was 2 weeks ago! lol the other day I was riding on Hammonds Lane and there was this boy looking at me and he tipped his hat at me and I started laughing and my mom did too. But um yeah I gotta go to dance! Comment if u feel like it! ~Luv Ya, Lauren AKA Snow Cat~ Oh Yeah HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE! HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE! twisted pirate ninja mrgreen
  HAHA! ....dont ask >.< AND I LUV WHAT TROY MADE MEH! blaugh blaugh

MiSSES G0LDFiSHY · Sat Oct 28, 2006 @ 05:00am · 3 Comments |