It is me and Lisa and Melissa and Jamey all in the mall. I SERIOUSLY NO JOKE, NOT EXAGGERATING AT ALL, JUST told Lisa that I wanted a boyfriend who would wear a coat like this...(Was pointing to a long black trenchcoat in Hottopic.) Then we are just walking out of that store and NO ******** JOKE HERE! Three people round the corner we were, two guys and a girl. The guy on the end, Him and I make direct eye contact and instead of turning my head and looking away like I usually would we stared eachother down, right into one anothers eyes. What was he wearing, just by chance? A hot as hell long black trenchcoat and they were heading for hottopic. It was SO incredibly awesome not to mention HOTT AS ********' HELL! He passed us and I swear to God I could have had an orgasm right there....Then afterwards. I can't really share my happiness with anyone cause I am sure no one realizes how much of a feat that was for me. To not turn my head away. So what do end up doing? Cursing myself for not saying anything, at all. To this incredibly hot stranger in the Oakland mall.... A knight in shining armor without a name....
Shy_Red · Thu Jan 20, 2005 @ 04:21am · 1 Comments |