Alright well I'm updating because I'm in a wonderful mood.
Well to all of you who read this I would love to be drawn. I love art and will take free art, trade's and I will pay. I'm very poor at this moment and can't pay much but I would still love your art. Alrighjt enough of that.
Today is one of the days in red ribbon week....or something like that. Today we were suposed to bring a stuffed animal to school. I did of course. It was a lil monkey that sticks holds onto you. Her name is Tay Tay. I got her for my birthday! (SHE OUT-RULED A GIANT PANDA!!!) Well ummmm.....I have nothing else to say.
THe Happy Writer,
Maye Idashia
P.S. Thank you Erikakaiser for making me happy. blaugh
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