WHY IS IT SO HARD TO PUT UR HOUSE IN GAIA??? i have been looookkiinnnggg for sooooo long for a vacancy and if anything i find NEGATIVE VACANCIES...i think the admins should put more spaces ot put the houses. Somtimes there is vacancies but its either an error or its LOCKED for some STUPID reason. It makes me so mad i want to smash my computer!!
ADMINS: why the heck cant you put houses in those empty spaces? THIS IS RETARDED!
My house is ready and i have a permit but whenever i find a vacant house its locked for some reason...i wish i could find a place for a house. My house isnt really cool but it would be a great place to hang out with my friends. I could also enter my house into the arena and show it off and get a reward if i only had a place to put my house. Jeez why does it have to be so hard??
Haruko Namasaki · Fri Oct 20, 2006 @ 11:51pm · 1 Comments |