I sit down wonder who and what I am and why I was put on this earth. As a tear runs down my face wile I think about you. Nothing but haterid in my mind and my eyes. I feel no pain, No sarrow, No anything.
I sit in a bloody room a hachit in my hand. And I find myself wonder: Why did I do it. What demonic stupidady did this? why am I the only one this is happening to.
Then you come into my life and brighten it up. With your kind words. I finaly learned to smile and care about myself. Then you passed on. And left me in that dark room once more. I looked and looked as tears poured down my face. Not knowing what I was seaching for in the first place. Then.....You came back. I still dont know how.
But from that moment on. I know that when I cryed it brought you back to life.
-deadacated to: My girl dest.
written by:Kirule2
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