Midterms are done. I'm not complaining at all. I'm glad they're done, but I am going to miss my econ class like crazy!!!! DOESN'T THAT SOUND SO FRIK'N NERDY? Keoleian is an awesome teacher!!!! Seriously! Anyone who has him will do frik'n fantastic! Unfortunately the class didn't "Get to Know" me. Just didn't have time I guess...that's all right. Haylie and Micellie did it after class, asked me all the questions. That was cute. Seriously not having that class is going to suck a**! I LOVE AMERICAN ECONOMICS WITH KEOLEIAN! Rock on! Then to make things even weirder! They give us a final in my sixth hour which is Guidance Attendance! We had to run outside and look for when the school was built! 1973 thank you very much, due to my finding it! I was so proud...but then okay we get out at 10:40 and Mrs. Alfonso let us out at 9:40! Which ********' sucks! Cause A: I don't drive so I couldn't just drive away... and B: My mom works....so, who got stuck in the office alone...until 10:40...that's right, you got it, me! I am going to drive now. Pathetic, I am going to drive after a school incident of being left at the school longer than needed...Oh well. For the record as well...
Shy_Red · Fri Jan 14, 2005 @ 05:30pm · 2 Comments |