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View User's Journal

The Rants and Life of a Madwoman
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First entry- need you ask more?
This looks interesting. Now the question I ask myself is: just how long will I work on this before I ignore it, then forget about it completely? How long before I lose interest or things to say? I guess I'll take it on as a challenge. I have never been good with journals or diaries. I tend to forget about them or lose them. Maybe this time it will be different? Ah, we'll see about that.

On a far different note, I really should be getting to my homework. Or to sleep for that matter. I have a play rehearsal in the morning I believe. I'm not sure of the time I have to be there. I'll have to take a look at that.

Well, I guess that's it untill next time. If there is a next time, that is.

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