Wanna earn easy gold? (Oh who am I talking to, nobody reads these. XD)
Post journal entries with just RP posts. The gold begins to stack up...
But don't do it on homework time. That's just stupid. *is being a hypocrite*
Sho was about to move to Seth, who was about to run away, before a female made a wild waving that attracted pretty much anyone in the area. The woman, who looked about Maui's age, began to run up the hill. She seemed to be running to greet someone, the way she constantly shouted random greetings and friendly messages. But who? Maui? Sho glanced at his cop friend, but the look told Sho it wasn't for him. And then he had his answer.
"Kuroto! Kuroto!" the woman shouted once more. He jumped and spun around to look at her fully. She panted and stood in front of him. A model body, long hair, obviously a person who had no involvement in something like gang fights, so what did she want with him?
The woman straightened herself up and hugged Sho tightly, which resulted in a struggle from the ex-hitman. "Kuroto! I am so glad to see you! I could recognize you anywhere once I find you! I'm Ran Niwa!" She let go and held out a hand. "Your older and only sister."
Seth had snuck away from the scene, half panting as he searched the area for someplace to hide. He didn't want any contact with Sho right now. With all his doubts and the possibility of Kura's testing or abandoning or whatever... Ugh... too many lost thoughts. The puppet master wandered over near a Quickie Mart and slumped down. Ahh... relaxation at last. He had thoughts in need of filing and a breath in need of catching.
Maui had gotten caught in the hug, still supporting Sho, and now was trying very hard not to 1) laugh or 2) stare. Both attempts were failing. "You don't recognize your own sister Sho? That's a bit dysfunctional..." He commented to his companion.
Iris was in partial shock. "You're his... oh good grief." He shook his head. Sho didn't even look like he recognized the poor girl.
But, deciding that there was nothing more to do, he leaned back against the rock that Seth had just vacated and watched to see how this would play out. Maui had figured out by this time that the siblings didn't really know each other, judging by Sho's expression.
After about a half hour, Dahlia decided she wasn't going to get any more useful thinking done and slid out of her seat. At least three men had tried to take the seat opposite her while she sat there thinking and all had been sent away with threats of dismemberment. Apparently, it was an open invitation to be picked up if you were sitting in a coffeeshop and not drinking coffee. When she had gotten to the coffeeshop, she had decided that her brain would work better if she didn't have the stimulant of caffine running through her veins. And so, men wanting to 'treat her' magically appeared. It was an irritating cycle.
Stretching, she wondered what to do next. The 'group' or her party as Iris would probably call them, had probably gone back to the station. Even though they had no need of her, she felt obligated to go back and meet them. On her way out of the coffeeshop she spotted a QuickieMart and strangely enough, thought of Iris. The hacker had a love bordering on obsession for gummi worms. She went into the store, purchased a small bag and left. As she stepped back out into the afternoon sun, she spotted a cloaked figure leaning against the shaded wall.
"Seth...?" She asked quietly and stepped towards him. This was an odd place for him to be slumped, and without the usual company of Kura. When he didn't move, she wondered if he was asleep and moved slightly closer. Deciding to test his awake/asleep status, she took a gummi worm and dangled it in front of his nose, though not close enough to touch.
"You okay?" She questioned.
That was when Canth leapt up, out of Seth's jacket, pinned the gummi worm with his claws, and disappeared back into the jacket with his prize. The look on Dahlia's face was one of supreme astonishment.
![]() Imaginarei Community Member ![]() |