Well I have wrapped up another successful gourd festival. My labors were hard and back breaking, but I feel good knowing I worked like a slave dog out there. I bought some intresting trinkets while I was out there. I also was able to eat gourd for the first time too, it tastes like cucumber you know. This year an event slowly crawls onto me. The time when my formerly beloved Chelsea tried to kill herself, I cannot help but feel the same rush of sorrow in my breast that had rushed into me last year that almost drove me further over the edge of maddness! It also marks the one year anniverserry of me entering the work world, and regretably I will not be at Hollywood Video any longer, I will be working now at Borders books and music for a whole dollar more. I guess there making my carrot bigger and bigger. Also when the winter season hits with its normal fury, I will also be working at Toys 'R' Us as well, just to make a few dollars extra so I can do something nice for myself. I might go on a vacation somewhere foreign, like Nice, or Mexico, maybe Canada. Some place new. Also my projects in sculpture have been fired and will soon be glazed/painted as well. Well I need to get moving the songs in Chourous don't sing themselves as you know.
Azalin · Tue Sep 26, 2006 @ 02:49am · 1 Comments |