I can't find my English notebook ANYWHERE! And so now I wasn't able to turn in my grammar or my vocab homework... it's early in the school year, so there aren't many points in the grade book... and grade checks come out in a week... I'm gonna be failing ENGLISH! My best subject!!!! gonk PANIC!
ninja I'm betting it's all a plot by a rival San Franciscan ninja clan to get my grades to drop by gradually squirreling away all my vital school supplies until I'm left with naught a textbook to my name! Then I'll drop out of school and be too busy flipping burgers at McGreasy's to keep up on my ninja practice!!! I'll lose all my amazing ninjachick powers and then the rival ninja clan will take over uncontested, to cover the world in their dark, evil veil of gloom FOREVER!!!!
I've got to stop them...
Jasmine Perishing Community Member |