I look up
Up into the dark sky
But ….
When I look closely
I see diamonds
Beautifully burning
Out in space
I wonder will I ever shine that bright?
Then I hear
A voice coming from behind me
It told me
“Why would you want to be any brighter than you are now?”
I was confused
Did I shine like those stars?
The stars that shine so very brightly in the sky?
And as I turn around to see
Who the voice belonged to
I saw a guy
One who saw how bright
MY light was
Then before I could say a word
He said’
“If your light shown any brighter
I wouldn’t be able to see
See your face
Your lips
Or even the color of your eyes
The color of your skin
Or the color of your hair
And if I couldn’t see any of that
I would surely cry
And be blind to the world forever”
Luna Hitomi Community Member |