Okay, my mom was watching Oprah and Amber Fey, for those of you who do not know, "The Former Girlfriend Of Scott Peterson." Well, as far as I am concerned, I hope she is stuck with that title for the rest of her life. She is the dumbest woman I have ever seen! She CLAIMS to have written a book on what happened to her...yet the questions she answered, she couldn't FULLY answer due to the words of her book. She was like...."Well...um" yes... it was like...well..." She talked about how she slept with the dude on the first date because she felt "okay" with him and it just happened...Okay don't ********' drink when you don't know the dude! Plus, when you did nothing wrong you DO NOT NEED TO EXPLAIN YOUR ACTIONS! IF you were innocent! She said "I have to say, I had finished breast feeding my little girl by then and I hadn't drank in two years...So..."Okay so this guy gets his ********, she gets ready to leave says give me a call he says, well I am going to admit, im not great with phones and Im a traveling....( i forgot what he said)...so I am gone a lot."...DING DING DING! YOU ARE NOW BOTH PHYSICALLY AND IN ALL DEFINITIONS OF THE WORD, SCREWED OVER! So she ******** him, and then thinks nothing of it. He calls and there was always running water in thee background...hmmm, calling from the shower? Oh yeah...I do that all the time! So she writes this book about it and U know damn well its to make money! As far as I am concerned...EVERY SINGLE SCENT OF THE MONEY SHE MAKES HOULD GO TO LACI'S FAMILY!!!!
Shy_Red · Wed Jan 05, 2005 @ 10:45pm · 1 Comments |