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Question thingy
What would you do if...
1. I cried:
2. I asked you to help:
3. I was becoming suicidal:
4. I killed myself:
5. I died from natural causes:
6. I said I liked you:
7. I kissed you:
8. I started smoking:
9. I stole something:
10. I was hospitalized:
11. I ran away from home:
12. I got in a fight and you were there:

What Do You Think About My.....
1. Personality:
2. Eyes:
3. Face:
4. Hair:
5. Clothes:
6. Voice:
7. Humor:
8. Choice of music:
9. Manners:
10. Family:

Would You....
1. Be my friend:
2. Tell me the truth, no matter what:
3. Lie to make me feel better:
4. Tell me you lied if you ever?
5. Spread rumors about me:
6. Keep a secret if I told you one:
7. Loan me some cash:
8. Hold my hand:
9. Take a bullet for me:
10. Keep in touch:
11. Try and solve my problems:
12. Love me:

1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. How have I affected you?
6. What's the fondest memory you have of me?
7. How long do you think we will be friends?
8. Do you love me?
9. Do you have a crush on me?
10. Would you kiss me?
11. Would you hug me?
12. Physically, what stands out?
13. Emotionally, what stands out?
14. Do you wish I was cooler?
15. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it:
16. Am I loveable?
17. How long have you known me?
18. Describe me in one word:
19. What was your first impression?
20. Do you still think that way about me now?
21. What do you think my weakness is?
22. Do you think I'll get married?
23. What makes me happy?
24. What makes me sad?
25. What reminds you of me?
26. If you could give me anything what would it be?
27. How well do you know me?
28. When's the last time you saw me?
29. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
30. Do you think I could kill someone?
31. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you

Xara Mya
Community Member
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  • User Comments: [4]
    Community Member

    Thu Sep 07, 2006 @ 08:41pm

    What would you do if... 1. I crieddont cry*wipes youre tears* 2. I asked you to help ill help with anything 3. I was becoming suicidal nope no way dont do do it 4. I killed myself i'd cry 24/7 and prey youre happy whereever you go 5. I died from natural causes i'd cry 24/7 and prey youre happy whereever you go 6. I said I liked you *blushes* 7. I kissed you 8blushes frezees up8 8. I started smoking stop*knocks the sigaret out youre hand and crushes the lighter* 9. I stole something i'd return it 10. I was hospitalized i'd live in the hospital for the rest of my life for you 11. I ran away from homei'd take you back 12. I got in a fight and you were therei destroy youre oppenet only if you wanted me too What Do You Think About My..... 1. Personality cool 2. Eyes like dimonds 3. Face just as darius said 4. Hair perfect 5. Clothesyou have great taste 6. Voice ..... 7. Humor not that much humor 8. Choice of music great 9. Manners the best 10. Familythere cool too Would You.... 1. Be my friendyes 2. Tell me the truth, no matter whatyes 3. Lie to make me feel betterno 4. Tell me you lied if you ever? yes 5. Spread rumors about me no way 6. Keep a secret if I told you oneyes 7. Loan me some cashim about too and you dont gotta pay me back 8. Hold my hand um maybe 9. Take a bullet for me yes 10. Keep in touch yep 11. Try and solve my problemsif you want me too 12. Love me...... ~Questions~ 1. Who are you?i dont say 2. Are we friends?yes 3. When and how did we meet?in gaia fishing 4. How have I affected you? not really 6. What's the fondest memory you have of me?when we met 7. How long do you think we will be friends? forever 8. Do you love me? ...... 9. Do you have a crush on me?..... 10. Would you kiss me? ........ 11. Would you hug me? sure 12. Physically, what stands out? youre manners and niceness13. Emotionally, whatstands out? youre preeetyness 14. Do you wish I was cooler? no 15. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it saka because its short for sakura 16. Am I loveable?yes 17. How long have you known me? not really long but a while 18. Describe me in one word perfect 19. What was your first impression? nice pretty and strong 20. Do you still think that way about me now? yes 21. What do you think my weakness is?being told youre weak 22. Do you think I'll get married? yes 23. What makes me happy?im not sure 24. What makes me sad? being mean hurting you and friends betrayell breaking upwith someone unless you dont like them 25. What reminds you of me? gaia 26. If you could give me anything what would it be? not sure 27. How well do you know me? well 28. When's the last time you saw me? a couple of days ago 29. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? no 30. Do you think I could kill someone? yes youre strong enogh 31. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you yes

    Community Member

    Sun Sep 10, 2006 @ 01:18am

    What would you do if... 1. I cried: i would try to cheer you up. 2. I asked you to help: i would do anything i could to help u. 3. I was becoming suicidal: i would talk you out of it. 4. I killed myself: i would first cry for your everyday and second i would try to create a monument of u. 5. I died from natural causes:i would cry for u everyday. T_T T_T 6. I said I liked you: :oops: :oops: 7. I kissed you: i would kiss u back :oops: 8. I started smoking:i would talk to u to stop smoking 9. I stole something:i would talk to u 10. I was hospitalized: i would visit u everyday bring a bunch of flowers. 11. I ran away from home:i would do everything in my power to find u 12. I got in a fight and you were there: i would stand by your side during the fight. What Do You Think About My..... 1. Personality:u r a kind,funny,and beautiful girl that is good to hang out with 2. Eyes:beautiful 3. Face:too beatuiful to describe. 4. Hair:long and silky 5. Clothes:u have a very good taste 6. Voice: never heard it 7. Humor: the funniest 8. Choice of music: 9. Manners: the best i have seen 10. Family: i never met your family. Would You.... 1. Be my friend:i already am your friend 2. Tell me the truth, no matter what:i always do 3. Lie to make me feel better:never 4. Tell me you lied if you ever? ya 5. Spread rumors about me: never 6. Keep a secret if I told you one: of course 7. Loan me some cash:ya (but no to much i am broke right now) 8. Hold my hand: :oops: :oops: ya :oops: :oops: 9. Take a bullet for me:yes 10. Keep in touch: always 11. Try and solve my problems: of course 12. Love me: if u love me back ~Questions~ 1. Who are you? heartlesskev 2. Are we friends? yea 3. When and how did we meet? when-in gaia how-in a fishing room 4. How have I affected you?my kindness 6. What's the fondest memory you have of me?right now when we were talking for like 3 hours 7. How long do you think we will be friends?until we die 8. Do you love me? :oops: :oops: 9. Do you have a crush on me? :oops: :oops: 10. Would you kiss me? :oops: :oops: 11. Would you hug me? :oops: :oops: yea :oops: 12. Physically, what stands out? i don`t understand 13. Emotionally, what stands out? i don`t understand 14. Do you wish I was cooler? i don`t understand 15. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it:sakura because i know u like sakura from naruto 16. Am I loveable? 17. How long have you known me? 3 months 18. Describe me in one word:friend 19. What was your first impression?that u were a kind girl 20. Do you still think that way about me now?yea 21. What do you think my weakness is?u r tickled easily 22. Do you think I'll get married? i hope 23. What makes me happy?me (i hope) 24. What makes me sad? people in pain 25. What reminds you of me?sakura 26. If you could give me anything what would it be? my soul 27. How well do you know me?pretty well 28. When's the last time you saw me?now 29. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? no 30. Do you think I could kill someone? maybe 31. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you ok

    Kurai Shinzou
    Community Member

    Wed Oct 18, 2006 @ 12:30am

    What would you do if... 1. I cried: hold you 2. I asked you to help: ask how 3. I was becoming suicidal: stop you 4. I killed myself: cry 5. I died from natural causes: console your family 6. I said I liked you: YES! *marks a tally* 7. I kissed you: kiss you back, because you probably wouldn't kiss me for no reason. 8. I started smoking: make you stop 9. I stole something: depends 10. I was hospitalized: call, send flowers 11. I ran away from home: find you 12. I got in a fight and you were there: try to stop it, try not to kill anyone :XD What Do You Think About My..... 1. Personality: the sister I never had 2. Eyes: never seen 3. Face: ditto 4. Hair: ditto 5. Clothes: ditto 6. Voice: never heard 7. Humor: fun 8. Choice of music: 9. Manners: normal 10. Family: Kev and Leo.... :XD Would You.... 1. Be my friend: of course 2. Tell me the truth, no matter what: yes 3. Lie to make me feel better: no, against my female relation policies 4. Tell me you lied if you ever? yes 5. Spread rumors about me: no 6. Keep a secret if I told you one: yes 7. Loan me some cash: if I had any 8. Hold my hand: sure 9. Take a bullet for me: maybe 10. Keep in touch: yeah 11. Try and solve my problems: if you want 12. Love me: maybe ~Questions~ 1. Who are you? me 2. Are we friends? I hope 3. When and how did we meet? Izzi 4. How have I affected you? ... 6. What's the fondest memory you have of me? getting drunk 7. How long do you think we will be friends? dunno 8. Do you love me? not yet 9. Do you have a crush on me? no 10. Would you kiss me? maybe 11. Would you hug me? yes 12. Physically, what stands out? ... 13. Emotionally, what stands out? ... 14. Do you wish I was cooler? could't be 15. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it:... 16. Am I loveable? yes 17. How long have you known me? uh.... 18. Describe me in one word: don't know wnough about you 19. What was your first impression? not sure 20. Do you still think that way about me now? ... 21. What do you think my weakness is? tekken 22. Do you think I'll get married? sure 23. What makes me happy? Beating Leo 24. What makes me sad? losing 25. What reminds you of me? squirrels, tekken 26. If you could give me anything what would it be? ...? 27. How well do you know me? not very 28. When's the last time you saw me? umm.... 29. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? no 30. Do you think I could kill someone? dunno 31. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? already did

    User Comments: [4]
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