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JJandthebansheES: hey monkey man. remember me?
Sexy_Daxter: monkey?
JJandthebansheES: ^_^
JJandthebansheES: so you don't remember
Sexy_Daxter: I remember the name.. deffinently.. I've seen it before.. butt...
JJandthebansheES: hmm?
Sexy_Daxter: I can't remember who the hell you are.
JJandthebansheES: x_JJneufmoiS_x
Sexy_Daxter: No that doesn't help.. I just don't know why you may or may not be significant.
JJandthebansheES: hmm
JJandthebansheES: oh well
JJandthebansheES: *shrugs* it can't be helped. i guess i've been gone longer than i thought >.<
JJandthebansheES: *playing with your ears* X3
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson enters the chat.
Sexy_Daxter: ...
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: *snors* XD
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: *snorts, too*
JJandthebansheES: oh it's you
JJandthebansheES: what damage you want to bring now?
Happy_Spork enters the chat.
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: I'm just here to gamble between RP posts.
JJandthebansheES: *shrugs* very well
Lord Yaoi enters the chat.
Sexy_Daxter: Hey, me too.
JJandthebansheES: i'm too tired for having a share of anyone's troubles*
Happy_Spork leaves the chat.
JJandthebansheES: right now*
Sexy_Daxter: We have so much in common.
JJandthebansheES: don't let it get to your head though, or he'll drive you crazy
Sexy_Daxter: Yarr! A push!
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: >=3
JJandthebansheES: why the face Fel?
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: ...what the ********. Brb, it's ******** up on me.
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson leaves the chat.
JJandthebansheES: ok *shrugs*
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson enters the chat.
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: There.
JJandthebansheES: wb angel of darkness
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: Why thank you, JJ.
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: For both the greeting and the title.
JJandthebansheES: oh good. you weren't short-fused that time
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: OH FOR ******** SAKE, WORK, DAMMIT!!!
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson leaves the chat.
JJandthebansheES: oh dear
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson enters the chat.
Lord Yaoi leaves the chat.
JJandthebansheES: dial-up=pure evil to some
JJandthebansheES: or many*
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: Seems to be working now...
JJandthebansheES: you don't use compu serve or aol for dial-up do you?
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: Gawd, no.
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: I use a local company.
JJandthebansheES: oh thank god
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: AOL charges insane for practically nothing beneficial.
JJandthebansheES: my old man went through hell with the both of them
JJandthebansheES: tell me about it*
JJandthebansheES: and he's now either using road runner or his own cable modem
JJandthebansheES: which reminds me i came up with my own personal insanity meter for everyone on Gaia
The Samurai Kuria enters the chat.
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: Oh?
JJandthebansheES: levels varying from "full of s**t" to beyond fricking crazy aka "what the hell if your problem?"
JJandthebansheES: yup
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: Do tell!
JJandthebansheES: is*
The Samurai Kuria: eh?
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: Who's where? XD
JJandthebansheES: you i'm not sure of so i just put you on the beyond crazy level
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: Why, thanks!
JJandthebansheES: or then again just ******** crazy
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: Maybe.
The Samurai Kuria: wha?
JJandthebansheES: the uwanted guests we get in the rooms are between retarded and "what the hell is your problem?"
The Samurai Kuria: Hey..I'm Kuria
JJandthebansheES: hey*
Sexy_Daxter: o.o 12 token push
Sexy_Daxter: o.o now 18 tokens
The Samurai Kuria: yeah..i've gotten that's insane..2.@
The Samurai Kuria: woah
Sexy_Daxter: grr... >.< I have 16, she has a King...what should I do?
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: Hit.
The Samurai Kuria: hmm
The Samurai Kuria: stand
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: Loser.
JJandthebansheES: *note: insanity meter/scale based on Silent Hill games which have a s**t load of basket cases*
JJandthebansheES: ha, it's only a matter of time until i put this prehistoric b***h in her place XD
JJandthebansheES: or maybe not XP
Sexy_Daxter: ...
Sexy_Daxter: I can't decide
Sexy_Daxter: Yes! I won it
The Samurai Kuria: cool
The Samurai Kuria leaves the chat.
hayate_18 enters the chat.
alan5100 enters the chat.
alan5100 leaves the chat.
Queen Please enters the chat.
JJandthebansheES: whoa how high am i ?
JJandthebansheES: o_O
Queen Please: hello
JJandthebansheES: *waves*
Queen Please: whats up?
JJandthebansheES: n-not much
JJandthebansheES: .oO(and i thought working night shift was scary)
Queen Please: what's so scary?
JJandthebansheES: there are drunks and crazy people at my work at night
JJandthebansheES: usually*
Queen Please: where do you work? are you on gaia at work or something? >.>
JJandthebansheES: no irl
JJandthebansheES: and i'll give you a hint
Queen Please: I know, I mean using a computer at work.
JJandthebansheES: it's a place where fat people accuse of killing them every year or so >.>
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: MCDONALD'S!!!
Queen Please: motel? XD
JJandthebansheES: yup
JJandthebansheES: McDonald's with that devil clown Ronald
JJandthebansheES: *shudders*
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: JJ, you're stoned?
JJandthebansheES: nope the other places won't hire me because of my racial background
Sexy_Daxter leaves the chat.
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: ...and what's that?
JJandthebansheES: 50% Filipino 25% Black 25% Bahamian
JJandthebansheES: and my Black genes are dominant >.<
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: Oh, come on. I refuse to ******** believe that. e_e
JJandthebansheES: take it up with them
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: If you really believed that, you should've done something about it.
JJandthebansheES: what my heritage or them being prejudice
JJandthebansheES: ?*
Queen Please: yea
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: Them being "prejudiced." Did they tell you to your face that's why you weren't hired?
JJandthebansheES: i would. i could. i should, but right now i'm sticking with what i have infront of me until i get to college
JJandthebansheES: no they just give me excuses
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: Gawd, you're so full of it...
Queen Please: >>
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: Where do you live?
JJandthebansheES: *sigh* i knew you'd say that
JJandthebansheES: Florida
JJandthebansheES: Cape Coral**
Iram enters the chat.
JJandthebansheES: you don't have to believe if you don't want to
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: Florida...and what's the majority race there?
JJandthebansheES: Hispanics. Cubans from what i gather
Iram: cheating b*****d ><
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: Hyeah. So if the majority race isn't Caucasian, then yo uhave nothing to complain about and you're using a bullshit accusation because you lack skill.
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: Don't give me that crap about racism.
Iram: O.o
Iram: what a thing to walk into
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: Companies would get their asses hauled out and crucified if it was as bad as you said.
JJandthebansheES: don't play that game with me Fel
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: Then don't make up your own excuses as to why you weren't hired, that makes you no bettter than them.
Queen Please: (JJ said other places besides where he works wouldnt hire him because of his race, if you're confused >.> wink
JJandthebansheES: i'm in no mood for scorn you asked questions i answered them
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: And I'm telling you to take those glasses off and accept an alternative than race as a reason for not being hired.
JJandthebansheES: then why don't you be constructive about your advice than being so pompous for a change?
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: Did you turn in applications for these places?
JJandthebansheES: yes
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: Did you go for interviews?
JJandthebansheES: they didn't offer it
JJandthebansheES: them*
JJandthebansheES: and i've been giving them calls
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: What was the excuses they gave you?
Iram: pocket ace... sounds a little ambigious....
hayate_18 leaves the chat.
JJandthebansheES: they said they'll get back on me
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: Did you call them back?
JJandthebansheES: yeah
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: For the interview, did you dress nice?
JJandthebansheES: yup. the only interviews i was given were Wendy's and McDonald's and that's just it
JJandthebansheES: i had no responses from the others
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: And did you have any experience in those industries?
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: The others, I meant.
JJandthebansheES: yes so far
JJandthebansheES: cashier mostly
JJandthebansheES: and stock
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: How much experience?
JJandthebansheES: only a year
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: And what hours were you looking for?
JJandthebansheES: anytime
JJandthebansheES: no half assing
JJandthebansheES: just as simple as that*
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: Only a year's experience seems iffy to me. You'd need more than that. A lot of cashiers have more experience. Also, how old are you?
JJandthebansheES: 19
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: Seems to me it's just about experience, not race. There are laws that protect you against racial prosecution and businesses know that. If they didn't want you,
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: they had their reasons. Don't give me that horseshit racial excuse, it's getting old.
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: Posting in RP. *idles*
JJandthebansheES: horseshit? why don't you try to stop being such a ******** pompous, short-fused monkey and be positive if you want to help me so much on my mistakes
JJandthebansheES: Jesus, if i'm that ******** ignorant to you then why do you even bother talking to me still?
seme_noble_kitsune enters the chat.
Iram: Why dont we all just play some cards and stop bickering... obviously no one is going to agree here
seme_noble_kitsune: eh?
JJandthebansheES: i don't care if anyone's going to agree. i'm just sick and tired of them taking my damn head off all the time e_e
JJandthebansheES: him i mean*
Iram: meh I wouldnt worry about it
Iram: he has strong beliefs and so do you
Iram: people butt heads naturally
Iram: its just a lost cause here
JJandthebansheES: *sighs* you have a point
Iram: Its better to just drop it instead of letting your blood boil.... its healthier too...
Iram: ^_^
Iram: Im sure you'll find a job in no time
JJandthebansheES: try telling him that
seme_noble_kitsune: thats a good point.....^^
Iram: lol sometimes people dont listen but you just cant force beliefs onto people like that
JJandthebansheES: none of this wouldn't have happen if he weren't so stuck up
Iram: see saying that doesnt help
Iram: you cant say that in a disagreement because it gets you no where
JJandthebansheES: he want to tell me off about facts and help me out. the least he can do is stop acting like he's God
Iram: it just makes the other person mader
JJandthebansheES: >__>
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: I never get mad, Iram. XD
Iram: lol it happens when your gay.. were all gods honey
Iram: XD
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: ...Iram, shut up.
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: Don't be so patronizing.
Iram: lol I can say what I want
JJandthebansheES: not him too Fel
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: Fine, then expect criticism about what you say.
JJandthebansheES: you want someone to gloat at, gloat at me >___>
Iram: who was i patronizing?
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: Calling people "honey."
Iram: Lol i call everyone that
Iram: I like it ^_^
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: Well, don't call me that.
JJandthebansheES: well he wasn't talking to you Fel >___>
Iram: i wasnt calling you that
Iram: yup
Iram: I was talking to JJ
YukiLover500 enters the chat.
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: I'm aware of that. My reading comprehension score was 99.
JJandthebansheES: good for you
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: I'm warning you not to call me that.
Queen Please: err... a bit hostile >.>
Iram: Lol dont worry about that, the last thing Id callyou would be honey
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: >=3
Iram: >XD
seme_noble_kitsune: i am so lost......T T
JJandthebansheES: well he honselt don't know what the hell's up with you Fel. So quit being a hate bearing rat
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: I don't bear hate.
Queen Please leaves the chat.
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: What makes you think I hate you?
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: I just disagree with what you say.
Iram: exactly, so just dont worry about it
Iram: people have different opinions
JJandthebansheES: your attitude and ego says all Fel
JJandthebansheES: and it doesn't lie to me
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: Quit being such a suck-up Iram.
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: I don't lie, JJ.
Iram: >> didnt i say to stop with the name calling everyone?
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: I'm blatantly honest.
JJandthebansheES: again the ego
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: No, again, I'm being honest.
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: I know myself very well.
Iram: I dont like where this is going
seme_noble_kitsune: ...
JJandthebansheES: well if you're so blatantly honest 24/7 Fel, why don't you try telling yourself that there are some of us here whom aren't safe around you because of how your mind
JJandthebansheES: works far from what i or we can comprehend
JJandthebansheES: *
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: You think I'm not aware of that?
Iram: lol
Master Ratha enters the chat.
JJandthebansheES: think? i'm having bad experiences with it whenever a word leaves your mouth Fel
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: I am totally aware of how my behavior has affected some people, JJ. Here's the thing, though: I don't care.
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: I don't change for anyone.
Master Ratha: O_o
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: Nor do I expect anyone to change for me.
Iram: has anyone noticed how pocket ace never works?
Master Ratha: ..musta walked in on something...
Iram: yea ratha you did
JJandthebansheES: including me Fel or i'm just the only one?
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: You're not the only one.
JJandthebansheES: so you want me to change?
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: NO.
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: Didn't you read what i said?
Iram: he never said tat one
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: TRY AGAIN.
Iram: that was a big leap there JJ
Master Ratha: wait, no one say a word, i need to go get popcorn, this looks like its gonna be interesting
Iram: LOL
seme_noble_kitsune: it has been...
Iram: yup
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: I'm not here for anyone's ******** entertainment.
Master Ratha: aww, i missed it... >_>
Master Ratha: lol
Iram: its ok its natural for you
JJandthebansheES: so you're telling me i'm fine just the way i am .oO(although i can be an overly-dramatic t**t to you? >___> wink
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: I'm saying I don't expect you to change so don't expect me to do it either.
Master Ratha: does the game already put those stars in those words are are you guys not grown up enough to use them yet?
JJandthebansheES: and flat-out an under evolved monkey*
JJandthebansheES: that's good to know
YukiLover500 leaves the chat.
JJandthebansheES: *braising himself*
DBZJared enters the chat.
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: H'llo, Jared.
DBZJared: **todduls in** Hewo ^_^
Master Ratha: Jared, get popcorn, quick!
DBZJared: huh?
Feloneus_Hellion_Crimson: brb, posting.
DBZJared: popkorn ware? O_o
Master Ratha: lol, get popcorn and sit back and watch the show
Iram: alright well since i hate getting involved in drama, Im off to make a different room, if you need me Ill be in room "hit me"
seme_noble_kitsune: ow do i use tickets?
Iram leaves the chat.
DBZJared: **plops down, sittin cross-legged on da flor, sucking on hiz pacifier an pettin hiz kitty plushie on hiz lap**
DBZJared: wut iz da show weer wachin?
seme_noble_kitsune: Kitty!......^^;
Master Ratha: hellion and jj are, well were in a heated conversation, and i find it amusing
JJ Neufmois Community Member |