A revelation of a sort... |
People say that music can "alter moods and talk to you." What about movies? Personal experience says that they can too. I just watched a movie that hit close to home, "Our Mother's Murder." A woman who is going through a divorce, from her second husband, goes back to his abusive ways. In the end, she kills her, leaving their little girl at home in bed and then drives to a bridge and jumps off, killing himself. My mom was in an abusive relationship. Though he was rarely physically abusive, he was always verbally abusive. She left him and is now with the greatest man ever. I watched the movie and wanted to thank him for being there now, but I couldn't I went to give him a hug and said thank you, but I had to choke back the tears. My sister is BACK in a verbaly and physically abusive relationship with a man,wait, let me rephrase that, a boy. She could easily snap this boy in two had she the sense of mind to do so. She is not a small girl mind you. It feels horrible to know that if she were near me some where and someone asked me who she was I would have the biggest urge to simply say, "I don't know her," and then walk away. My bestfriend is ditching me for a guy who was once my best guyfriend, the two would have never met offically if it weren't for me. My dream since I was in eighth grade has been to move to Chicago, Illinois and rent/buy a loft apartment and get a Collie. I can do that without her, even though she promised. I don't need her or a man to create my dreams. I will admit, without fault at all, that it does get lonely without a guy to have around, but I do not need one to function. My dreams are mine, no one elses. Ladies a man who screams at you, a man who hits you, a man who belittles you and even a man who apologizes for hitting you is NOT A MAN and certainly NOT A MAN WHO LOVES YOU! Ladies, do yourself the best favor possible and GET OUT!
Shy_Red · Fri Dec 31, 2004 @ 01:34am · 2 Comments |