inside jokes?
Monstrous, Gaping, Deep-Fried v****a.
Chicken Spawn was killed by the Pheasant.
You want the remote again?
Racist guy was killed by The_Ownage.
If you were a fishie, would you like getting punched? I know i wouldn't.
I'd rather take a lazer any day of the week, even wednesday.
p***s bottle.
Not my babies!!!!
"what's this what's this!?"
He's probably behind the tents.
Thats how I'll sound with a mouth full crabs.
Um, i cant think of many others. if you want to know the jokes about these just ask. there pretty funny at some points. and some are just funny anyways...
like the monstrous gaping dee-fried v****a >.<
I heart my cousins.
Goti-girl Community Member |