Yup, work was boring once more. So I fiddled around a bit with forcing myself to take my time and add a little detail. I'm really hating my new scanner at work. No matter the settings, it still comes out looking like s**t, so half the inking on photoshop when I get home is guess work X|
Oh well, put a little more effort into keeping the lines smooth and played around with the airbrush some more. I probably over did it, how else do you learn though?
Like my usual style however, I didn't give her a mouth (she's lucky to have a nose DX). Force of habit I guess. I don't know, I kind of like drawings without mouths. Maybe it's some mental thing -chuckles-
[Click on pic for full size]
McKenzie · Thu Dec 30, 2004 @ 03:48am · 2 Comments |