It's 3 days after Christmas and I am dreading the coming of school again. The evil and irrational Mrs. Bellet and her cursed classroom. I suppose I will survive, but only because I want my future in Chicago as far away from her as possible. Nikki has sent me a few text messages since the incident of her "non" phone calls. I simply replied back that I was at the movies with Jamey watching Lemony Snicket's a Series Of Unfortunate Events. Jake called me a mega b***h, I told him to just suck it, he didn't reply, again, and I told Nikki to stop sicking her boy toy on me and she said he wasnt and I told her I was hanging out with a FRIEND. I capitalized it and everything for the dramitc effect and emphasis on the word "friend." Whatever, don't screw me over and then play cool with me. I don't work like that. I "unleash my inner b***h" when it's needed. Don't F*ck with me. I might have to get rid of my cat. That bites a**. That sucks because I like my cat. He tries to eat my hamster, but Captain Jack has more seniority than both the cat and the dog so he's protected by law of the household. He's also Houdin. He managed to get out of the cage without my knowledge and without the door coming off, since it is broke. I think he got lucky and it just didn't fall off. Lucky hamster. Next time, he should consider hiding in a DIFFERENT spot other than the same damn closet in the next room again. I love him, but he's not the brightest bulb in box. Max whistled for me. Time for dinner. I feel like Povlovs Dogs and their ringing bell training.
Shy_Red · Wed Dec 29, 2004 @ 12:10am · 1 Comments |