omg! the next and last Harry Potter book is coming out July of 2007... which is the same time the 5th movie is set to be released. I hope they do a better job of setting up the movie this time and explain things better for those who haven't read the book. My friend didn't read the book and I kept having to explain everything to her... in the middle of the movie! (which was really annoying...) I don't like the new director and I definately don't like the new Dumbledore! He is too grumpy and mean unlike the Dumbledore in the book. grrrr! this just makes me feel angry! but anywho... I'm worried about what horrible things J.K. Rowling might do in the 7th book... I mean, she can't kill Harry! He's the main character! that would be so tragic! I would cry! But I'm afraid she'll kill off Ron or Hermione... or possibly Ginny... I don't blame Harry for breaking up with Ginny at the end of the 6th book... cuz everyone close to him ends up getting killed... like Sirius and Dumbledore... and let's not forget his parents. So who will it be next?
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