It's 10:27 pm during summer break, too early to go to bed but too late to go places because everything closes at like six pm here for some reason. Serving as my sanctuary is my computer, equipped with the internet and more specifically the usefulness that is Gaia Online. Finding a good RP seems to be in order, to meet new people and make friends of a good variety. Diversity is key- Everyone you meet is their own person with their own intentions from beyond your glowing computer screen, the power of instant communication right at your fingertips. How interesting! What a vast variety of unique people I can meet! And paired up with the prospect of a good RP, this is a win-win situation, right? I venture eagerly to the Series Roleplay index, wondering which active RPs are among us at the moment. Here is a sample of what I saw:
[ Poll ] [Missions Halted! Read! ] Peaceful Conclusions - Naruto RP
[ Goto pageGoto page: 1 ... 96, 97, 98 ]
1469 [Chained Memories] Fri Jul 28, 2006 6:18 am
E [ Poll ] Naruto:the new ninja (open )
[ Goto pageGoto page: 1 ... 294, 295, 296 ]
4436 punkykid12 Fri Jul 28, 2006 6:17 am
Naruto:another day in Konoha
[ Goto pageGoto page: 1 ... 27, 28, 29 ]
424 naruto.hokaghi Fri Jul 28, 2006 6:17 am
[ Poll ] Village of the Moon: A Naruto RP (open and accepting!)
[ Goto pageGoto page: 1 ... 7, 8, 9 ]
[ Poll ] *~Naruto Rp~*(People needed)
[ Goto pageGoto page: 1 ... 126, 127, 128 ]
1916 Pandabear17 Fri Jul 28, 2006 6:17 am
[ Poll ] Kingdom Hearts~ NEED MADE-UPS!/ and SORA/ ZEXION
[ Goto pageGoto page: 1 ... 406, 407, 408 ]
6119 Yoko Miyamato Fri Jul 28, 2006 6:17 am
~A Naruto RP~ Now Open and Accepting!!
Why the ******** do we need so many Naruto RPs? Left and right, the world is in danger of being taken over by a senseless anime. By all means, like the anime all you want, but here on Gaia Naruto is beginning to surpass the popularity of FMA or even Inuyasha (Dramatic music). [Accent=BillClinton]
My fellow Gaians.
We are in serious danger. [/accent]
If a n00b wants to RP, what do they do? They make their own RP, too weak and raw to join and learn from others. And what do n00bs watch? NARUTO! All of us are drowning in our intrests, and someone needs to put a stop to this.
A Naruto RP is kind of like a recyclable bottle that you throw in the trash. You're too lazy to find a recycling bin, so you throw the thing to where it will fill landfills because it's USELESS! If you want to RP Naruto without a well thought-out idea, join somebody else's god damn RP instead of turning this website into a wasteland of ninja, demon foxes, and really retarded boys named Sasuke that everyone calls 'Sauske' for some reason.
Naruto ignites Narutardation, a serious illness that if left untreated is kind of like AIDS. It can lead to insanity, dependancy on drugs, and in almost all cases, death. We must put a stop to this sickness before it infects and impurifies our youth, washing over every new arrival to this site and stirring thoughts of conformity into their soft, malleable minds.
People who have younger siblings that use this site, you should know better! Shield their eyes and cover their virgin ears, protect them from the senseless angst that we dub 'Naruto'! NARUTO IS THE SPAWN OF SATAN! Look at the three main characters- Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke- Each with six letters in their names! 6-6-6! ARMAGGEDON HAS BEGUN! Flee, run for your lives before you too are burnt to a crisp by this terrible anime. That is the point of Naruto-If it has enough avid followers, Satan will arise from the depths of hell and pursue his homosexual relationships with such sinners as Saddamn Hussein and that really fugly guy that made the song 'I'm in Love with a Stripper.' Gaia, is this what you want? Is this what you are turning into?!
Boycott Naruto! Save your site and soul before you, too, become a senseless pawn!
Armaggedon has begun
[ Poll ] [Missions Halted! Read! ] Peaceful Conclusions - Naruto RP
[ Goto pageGoto page: 1 ... 96, 97, 98 ]
1469 [Chained Memories] Fri Jul 28, 2006 6:18 am
E [ Poll ] Naruto:the new ninja (open )
[ Goto pageGoto page: 1 ... 294, 295, 296 ]
4436 punkykid12 Fri Jul 28, 2006 6:17 am
Naruto:another day in Konoha
[ Goto pageGoto page: 1 ... 27, 28, 29 ]
424 naruto.hokaghi Fri Jul 28, 2006 6:17 am
[ Poll ] Village of the Moon: A Naruto RP (open and accepting!)
[ Goto pageGoto page: 1 ... 7, 8, 9 ]
[ Poll ] *~Naruto Rp~*(People needed)
[ Goto pageGoto page: 1 ... 126, 127, 128 ]
1916 Pandabear17 Fri Jul 28, 2006 6:17 am
[ Poll ] Kingdom Hearts~ NEED MADE-UPS!/ and SORA/ ZEXION
[ Goto pageGoto page: 1 ... 406, 407, 408 ]
6119 Yoko Miyamato Fri Jul 28, 2006 6:17 am
~A Naruto RP~ Now Open and Accepting!!
Why the ******** do we need so many Naruto RPs? Left and right, the world is in danger of being taken over by a senseless anime. By all means, like the anime all you want, but here on Gaia Naruto is beginning to surpass the popularity of FMA or even Inuyasha (Dramatic music). [Accent=BillClinton]
My fellow Gaians.
We are in serious danger. [/accent]
If a n00b wants to RP, what do they do? They make their own RP, too weak and raw to join and learn from others. And what do n00bs watch? NARUTO! All of us are drowning in our intrests, and someone needs to put a stop to this.
A Naruto RP is kind of like a recyclable bottle that you throw in the trash. You're too lazy to find a recycling bin, so you throw the thing to where it will fill landfills because it's USELESS! If you want to RP Naruto without a well thought-out idea, join somebody else's god damn RP instead of turning this website into a wasteland of ninja, demon foxes, and really retarded boys named Sasuke that everyone calls 'Sauske' for some reason.
Naruto ignites Narutardation, a serious illness that if left untreated is kind of like AIDS. It can lead to insanity, dependancy on drugs, and in almost all cases, death. We must put a stop to this sickness before it infects and impurifies our youth, washing over every new arrival to this site and stirring thoughts of conformity into their soft, malleable minds.
People who have younger siblings that use this site, you should know better! Shield their eyes and cover their virgin ears, protect them from the senseless angst that we dub 'Naruto'! NARUTO IS THE SPAWN OF SATAN! Look at the three main characters- Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke- Each with six letters in their names! 6-6-6! ARMAGGEDON HAS BEGUN! Flee, run for your lives before you too are burnt to a crisp by this terrible anime. That is the point of Naruto-If it has enough avid followers, Satan will arise from the depths of hell and pursue his homosexual relationships with such sinners as Saddamn Hussein and that really fugly guy that made the song 'I'm in Love with a Stripper.' Gaia, is this what you want? Is this what you are turning into?!
Boycott Naruto! Save your site and soul before you, too, become a senseless pawn!
Armaggedon has begun