guys are too sweet that comment on this thing...
*snuggles god* xd that just sounded funny....but anywho ^^
Yesh..I'm doing much better now.....and currently getting ready to go home for the weekend.....bad point is....its home and I dont like it there...good point dad won't be there to screw it up! surprised and that makes for a happy jenna...who just has Des and her sister to keep her company..... heart fweee.....excited excited.......weekend full of DDR and anime goodness coming my way.....for the second weekend in a row whee
But yeah....have to remember to grab all my tarot stuff before my parents find it sweatdrop that would be an interesting sight....that and.....steal more of my art stuffies away...I might be able to start painting again!! so excited!! whee
well..I'm off.....I suppose I'll start putting my doodles of the day in!!
government is from hell!!! fweee.....that class sucks so bad sweatdrop
jenna_chan2 · Fri Oct 01, 2004 @ 07:03pm · 0 Comments |