I'm too in love with this Word Bump game. Which is great, because I totally needed another reason to put off cleaning.
And right now I'm dying because yeah. I had the worst nights sleep last night, which is bad because everynight isn't that great. And I was going to buy more Nyquil yesterday, but it's expensive and I don't have the money because we're going to NYC on Thursday and I want to actually afford to go inside the Galleries, not just hang out outside.
Amanda left us. ): She went home two days ago. Got stuck at the Depew train station at 3am. gonk Poor thing.
I got to meet Mike the crackhead the other day. Which so totally made my day, maybe even my week.
This guy would zone out and while zoned out would have conversations with us in his head, and just start referencing them.
"...Why do you think he'd beat me up? I think he'd like me if we let him watch."
"What? Who?"
"Your boyfriend. I don't think he'd kick the s**t out of me. I think he'd approve of our love."
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"You said your boyfriend wouldn't like me. I really think he would."
"I never said that, Mike."
It was ******** hilarious.
Other than that nothing's really happening around here.
I watched 11hours straight of House MD on Wednsday.
Oh! I'm dyeing my hair pink again. 4laugh My bosses approve. biggrin
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