as i sit and watch the sunset,i think,why does the sun rise,if it is hurt eachday?why does it set,when it knows it will be haunted in it's dreams?i know these quitions will never be why do i ask?as the water sets in on it's prey,i cry for help....but why do i cry out,when the person to hear will not replie.these quitions i know,will never have a if a tree falls in a forest with no one around to hear it,does it make a sound?these qoutions have a meaning,but can you hear it?see it?feel it?can you figure out how another feels?or do you taunt the feelings the person feels?do you hurt the one you love,for you do not want them to be hurt to?why do we hurt the ones we love,for the meaning we hurt the ones we love,is to pretect them form the these quitions have a meaning to you?or are they the wind in the breeze that you can not feel?or,do you feel the pain throbing in my heart...for you have felt my pain,understand my pain...and want to heal the pain i feel...but the pain,i feel,is like the everlasting waves,that drown the sorrow from my heart,so no one can hear,my cry for the music we all have played,to drown the everlasting pain. -momoko
__neko__babe__ · Wed Dec 22, 2004 @ 01:16am · 0 Comments |