Christmas is getting closer. I am getting more and more excited. My dad and my gandmother will be here. They are both quite the riot and I love them both all the more for it. They mean so much to me. I try to get ahold of everyone around this time because I don't think anyone should be alone on Christmas. Except, well right now, I am considering Jake and maybe even Nikki... sad I asked them to come up here and visit me because I am finally going to get to actually meet someone who means a great deal to me and I would have liked the two of them to meet him. So I asked Jake, who thanks to me, is Nikki's boyfriend now, thinking they would come. While he was talking to me, he was on his way to Nikkis. As soon as he got there however, he turned into a dickhead. Pardon the pun, considering he is a d**k. At least now anyways. I repeatedly told Nikki how much I wanted her to be here and I asked a week in advance, so she couldn't bail on me with an excuse, but I also knew that if one couldn't or wouldn't come the other wouldn't either. Nikki will say otherwise, but doing and saying are two things that are completely opposite in Nikkis' book. She cannot really hold, well okay she DOESN'T hold her end of the bargain up. So I sent a text massage today because well it's been four days since I talked to her and she said she would let me know. So my text simply said: "Neither of you are coming are you...?" Jake replied with: "No." So I sent one back saying: "Thanks I knew I couldn't count on either of you." He said: "Maybe you shouldn't call me a jacka$$ or a d**k." I said: "The truth hurts. And you shouldnt treat me like s**t around your girlfriend." All things considered since I am her bestfriend. He said: "Whatever bye." I said :"Okay instead of d**k, how about p***y? You're acting like one." He didn't reply to that... I don't care, but that's not the first time Nikki has mentioned dissing me for a guy. This is the same girl who swore to me that she would never do that to her friends, oh maybe it's because she didn't specify "best friend" in the sentence...We were SUPPOSED to live in Chicago together, but Jake has always been a farmer...always. I can understand him wanting to do that, but then Nikki was like, "I know we want to live in Chicago and everything, (did you get the WE in that sentence?) but I can actually see myself settling down with know on a farm?" OH MY FUGGIN' GAWD! JUST GAG ME WITH A SPOON ALL READY! IF IT WEREN'T FOR MY FRIGGEN PARTY....THEY WOULDN'T KNOW ONE ANOTHER! AND THIS IS THE THANKS I GET?! My BESTFRIEND IS DITCHING ME TO GO MILK BESSY THE COW ON A FARM! THERE GOES THE "WE" IN THAT SENTENCE! I mean I am not asking for a lifetime supply of thank yous, BUT my bestfriend would be NICE! MY BESTFRIEND IS A BACKSTABBING-TWO FACED-b***h! ...she doesn't even deserve that title..."b***h." She is not worthy of it. What is a girl to do? I try and try, but all I do is seem to end up with s**t in the end. I have my family and that is enough for me heart , but sometimes, cry just a little bit more is nice cry ...
Shy_Red · Tue Dec 21, 2004 @ 08:19pm · 0 Comments |