v-v i've been gone yeah yeah |
It sucked being in maryland away from everyone... but i had interesting dreams to boot! First off, there was a couple angel related dreams. (The show Angel... by joss whedon) Like, i was there, and Weasly came up to me, handed me a pistol with a sliencer on it, and told me to go to (so and so's) department, and shoot everyone in the chest, so i did, then we took the head of that department to a woman who rattled off a list of evil stuff the head did, then we banished her and it turned out all the guys i shot was actually planned... I hadn't known there were squibs involved with it. (squibs= fake blood packets that burst when triggered and look like someones been shot.)
Next i was with spike, who wanted to to Japan for some reason... and it turned out japan was just an island with the word "Japan" printed on it, and it was in the usa ... Then we robbed a very weirdly guarded museaum(sp)...
Then there was me, spike, Buffy, xander, willow, and a girl i know (i don't really feel like saying names) and the girl i know ran into spike after being chased by a guy. Spike told her not to move or the bad vampire would get her... but she did, and i got in the way of Buffy's stake saving the girl, so then i got turned and managed to get buffy to Not stake the two of us...
But lastly was the weirdest dream i had... it was very silent hill-ish... starting with a front view of a man, with his eyes cut out and a bloody rag drapped over them, his arms crossed over his chest, with his wrists over his collar and all his fingers cut off, laying in darkness singing: "This is my hell... My hell this is... For i have sinned... *Chuckle* My hell. No one elses... MY hell!" and then went to talk about how he almost killed a woman he loved by cutting her wrist three times, and inserting 4 rings into her arm... Then when he activated the spell to make her love him, she went comatose, and he was found out by x-rays... So a strange 'Bloody Rose' group of people arrived, took him away and he was never heard of again... But then it went to tell of MY roll in the story, finding a friend of mine who was almost zombified... I took him to a building he kept mumbling the address for, to find out it was where the "bloody Rose" was... and they released the currently insane captor from the beginning at us... He dropped the rag to show that now his eyes were back... but they were dried up and crumbling like stones... ... then there was other really ******** up s**t that went on.. i don't wanna talk about it, but lets just say, if you played the silent hill games and watched the movie, it was alot like those, the mutilation and the horrid treatment of people... and their demises...
Well thats all. have a good day!
LabTech118 · Thu Jul 06, 2006 @ 12:20am · 0 Comments |