Okay. All around me things are just a little ******** up. My mom today just asked me about the guy I talk to eveynight and if have talked about sex. My mom rocks and eveything,but it just came out of the ******** blue ! I wasn't expecting that at all. My friends have screwed up lives apparently they have parents who suck and they drive. Okay so driving doesn't suck, but when you're afraid to drive and really really really need to get over it, it sucks. My guy friend Jake no longer talks to me because he is dating one of my best girlfriends so they both have sort of zoned me out. I don't get to talk to the other girl friend of mine that I consider as a best friend, Lisawisa... whee Jamey, moms a control freak and dad's an alcoholic. What fun. Bruce, well bruce keeps getting taken to court. Melissa, she's well, I don't talk to her much. Erasto is in Chicago and my parents think he is a pedaphile, probably just murdered the spelling of that word too. I want to go to Virginia with my friend Lisa so we can chill out together for the summer, go to the beach, look at it and not get in, lol and possibly have her see Travis. That'd be cool. To top everything off with a big fat ol' friggen marchino cherry, I had a dream that I was running and someone was chasing me. I never saw them physically, I just knew they were there, and they kept getting closer. I reached a gas station and whatever i told the guy he held his hands up and backed away saying he couldnt help me. So I was like ******** i just wasted time on you! Then took off running agian and it was never slow it was full on full force running.I ran into Lisa and Travis and Lisa was pregnant and Travis left the room for a minute so we could talk, but she didn't say much . I felt like I shouldn't have been there because I had no one with me. I had no "male partner" so I simply left and started to ru again. Whoever this guy was chasing me, I knew it was a male, he would talk even though I couldnt understand him, i knew what he was saying. He was getting closer. He never said it, but I knew. So I come to this river where there is a litte boy crying I offer to let him stay with me, but we needed to run right then so we cross the river and there is some sort of like waterfall looking thing, a small one, like a storm drain! with a grate to keep things from getting through and the gate above it we crawled through, but there were to little fans in the water so i said we would have to jump in the middle to safely get across, so I jump and land fine but the little boy doesnt want to, so i say ill catch him and I do. So we make it across and on the otherside is this mud ridden huge hill at the bottom, bull dozers and CATS. and stuff, so I was llike okay they're moving pele are down there and we slide, pretty much, down the hill but we get to the bottom and no one is there, so im telling him to come with me and he darts off and so i lose him! So I go right back into, I just helped you and this is how i get repaid? ********! I lost time again! and Instantly this voice comes up to me again saying hes closer. I may have woken up, but I never stopped running.........
Shy_Red · Wed Dec 15, 2004 @ 09:25pm · 1 Comments |