Sept 27th, 2017
So, for the past 2 weeks I have yet to miss a day when Marley (one of my grandmother's dogs) and I go running. We run together 3 times a week and I feel like he encourages me to push farther, go faster, try harder, because he's so excited and ready to go. Now, I'm still training, at this point I can't run very long without needing to stop so right now we're doing intervals: run 2 minutes, walk a minute and we do this interval 7 times on a run. By the walk of the 4th interval he's usually pretty tired because he hasn't gotten to go running since he pulled mom into traffic (oops). But he's doing well and I feel I am too.
That being said, my depression still hasn't fully ebbed. I feel like it's more of a tide, when it comes in, I feel like I'm drowning and that tide can stay in for hours, days, months, even years but when it's out I feel free. I feel like, as bad as high tide was this time around, it's fading faster than I would have dared to hope. But I know I can't stop. I need to keep moving, I need to keep working on myself and I can't get complacent. 6 days a week I'm out walking with dogs (weather permitting of course) and 6 days a week I feel tired in a wonderful way that I can't really put into words. This is the kind of therapy I needed, this is what I should have had all those years ago when I first started showing symptoms.
Girl_in_love61636 Community Member |