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All right, here's the lowdown. It is June 15th, tomorrow is my last day of school before summer vacation, and I will be returning to my homeland on the 21st-in 6 days. Right now I am surviving through wilderness and roughing it in America, enduring ignorance, stupidity, and obesity alike.

I'm not saying that all Americans are stupid or anything like that, but being here kind of makes me feel like Jane Goodall. The Americans are the apes.

So here, I shall document my eight-month adventure to the United States, the upsides, downsides, and in-betweens of life in another country.

In other words, you're in for a hell of a lot of complaining. If you are a particularly proud or patriotic person, I suggest you leave. This won't be pretty.

I am in Washington, which isn't TOO American...I guess...But it's enough to make you gag nonetheless. People here are generally kind, yes, but there are many a fault here that is quite a lot bolder here than on my home planet. I've met a lot of great people, but OH, the IGNORANCE of this country!


There I am, in the middle of Algebra class, labeled immediatly as one of the 'smart kids' because on some standardized test I knew the value of x in 3x=9. Apparently, that puts me at a college level.

What the hell.

Well, anyways, I'm right there with a pair of my new friends, chatting about who knows what and working on homework simultaneously. I don't remember what exactly my friend was complaining about, but apparently my other friend agreed by insulting the thing the forementioned friend found so irritating.

'That's homosexual.' she says, the American way of saying 'Repulsive' or 'Disgusting', I assume.

Scenario two

I'm really pissed off at this boy in my Video Tech class this time, because he and I are in the same group in an assignment and he refuses to do anything at all. 'This is Jewish.' he says.

I'm in the car with a friend and her mother. 'How was Canadia?' asks her mother.

'So, how many states are there in Canada?' asks my friend on an interview for Video tech.

'This is homosexual.'

'Hey, look, it's that Canadian chick!'


'This is Jewish.'

'Who's the president of Canada?'

'Hey, Canadian, do you speak French?'


'How was Canadia?'


Is it really SO disturbing that I come from a country less than two hundred miles away? Canada is RIGHT THERE, and more than half of the people I've met can't even get the NAME right, not to mention how it has PEROVINCES, NOT STATES YOU IGNORANT BASTARDS! INSTEAD OF SUING MCDONALDS BECAUSE EATING A POUND OF FRENCH FRIES EVERY DAY FOR A YEAR MADE YOU FAT, WHY NOT GET A ******** ATLAS AND DO SOME ******** RESEARCH?! Of course, I'm the weird one. I can name more states and their capitals than a lot of my peers.


I must be some kind of hick. Back in Victoria, there is an incredibly low amount of intolerance and racism. Here, it seems to be all over my school, no matter how hard my teachers try to demote it.

Scenario 3

We're correcting eachother's tests in class. I get in trouble for writing 'j00' on some kid's test, because he thinks I called him a Jew. He tells the teacher, and guess who gets in trouble?! ME! Because it's SO insulting apparently! There are people who name their children 'Christian', what the hell is so bad about being called something that slightly resembles the word 'Jew'? HUH?! I'm not a religious person, and I don't see one religion as better than any other. But look at this. LOOT AT THIS!

And when the children of a nation are idiotic and happy to be that way, who do you blame? The parents.

Scenario 4

It's the end of English class. Quite a few of the kids in my class didn't do any work for some reason that day, and when inquired by the teacher they say they don't care about their grade anyways.

At the end of class, our teacher tells us that there is indeed one significant problem with this country- The apathetic, stupid, ignorant students of today.

And you know what? He nearly gets fired.

People in my class, FOURTEEN YEAR OLDS, literally CRY because he called us 'stupid.'

'I don't even know what 'apathetic' MEANS!' stated one boy in my class, who will be fifteen this winter.

They rush it to the counseler's office. Angry parents call in, and the next day that teacher, that enlightened teacher who dared to tell something even resembling the half-truth of the corruption of this country, is forced to issue a written apology to the entire class.

Oh well, what can you expect from a country that lets you bear arms at 16 and take your part in deciding the future of your country at 18, as long as you don't take a drink until you're 21?

Alright, I'm done. All the fire has gone out .__. I'm finished with complaining about this country and being foolishly blind to the problems of Canada.

On the brighter side, I've made some really great friends here and had lots of fun, including making a rippoff of Pimp My Ride called 'Trip my Bike' which is absolutely hilarious in a really crappy way. Being here has taught me to be more independant and to break away from the sheltered casing of my neighborhood for a few months. Even with the divorce, which I got over after literally a day, this has been a pretty good experience for me.

But most of all, nothing, I mean nothing has ever made me as proud to be Canadian as coming to America. This is really a nice place, though. There's only one problem with the US in total that needs fixing at all.

YOU, America!

Is it 2008 yet?

Well, stay with me and bear the next six days until I am reunited with cheap Pocky, places in walking distance, Meg, and my Windows XP! ...Oh yeah, and my family. For everyone who wants to know, yes, my mother is still a psycho.

Guess I'll see you guys on the 21st then! I can't wait!

Five days, two hours, 41 minutes and 2 seconds to go!

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commentCommented on: Fri Jun 16, 2006 @ 07:51pm
I have to say not all of America is that bad. Down here in Florida is its the prices that are terrible. (And yes the people but mostly the upper class bastards who think all they have to do is snap their fingers and we middle class will jump to do what they want.) But yes I do agree there are a lot of ignorant dumb asses in my country of birth. There's a lot of good people too however. But as they say home is where the heart is.

commentCommented on: Fri Jun 16, 2006 @ 08:40pm
Ack. That's really gotta hurt. That kind of stupidity is one of the types that I hate the most. I mean, we(as Canadians) live right next to them(as USA-ians) and we know that they have fifty-two states and not provinces. Well, I know I do at least. I know as well as you do that some Americans are not retarded, rascists and fat, but some are. And it hurts to know that. Truly. That and the fact that people insult objects/people/events with something akin to 'gay'. I know as well as you do that Canada has huge problems, like the fact that Ontario is in massive debt and Toronto is full of pollution and ugly high-rise buildings and other places are full of housing complexes and town houses where everything looks the same and you can get lost in a FIVE-MINUTE WALK(that's why I almost never go out anymore) and the nearest park is two bus stops away, schools exist where you only get forty minutes of free time during the whole day for lunch(I go to one of them. Joy), schools can be so retarded that girls pretend they're stupider than they are so that they won't get singled out for being 'gifted' and where boys will admit they're stupid TO YOUR FACE for math help and where the only TV station where you can watch decent anime is YTV and they edit in the first opening of Gundam Seed into every single [bleep]ing episode, re-run crappy animes over and show the good ones at 11:30 PM and later AND change the layout of the site so that everything that helps is in pt. 2 font while they show random user questions on the front page so I have no ******** idea when the hell they're showing Case Closed because of their retarded site where you can't see a thing AND they started showing Naruto episodes that were shown 13 weeks back. We're 15 weeks behind America. Joy. If it continues, I swear, I'm gonna become a Bleach fan instead.

Sorry for killing your comment section, Lily. Congrats on managing to stay there for eight months.

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