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JJ's Velvet Book

JJ Neufmois
Community Member
Sieben: ummm...you tell me o.0 *shrugs*
x_JJneufmoiS_x: did i took someone's spot?
x_JJneufmoiS_x: i hope not ^^;;*
Konahaku: no one special.
shindou_shuichi16: did you?
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *shrugs*
shindou_shuichi16: oh well
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *waves to Shmoogy* hey there
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: Ooh. Hello.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: hey
Shmoogy: hello.
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: Hey SCHWARTZ
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: xD
x_JJneufmoiS_x: who? 0_o
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: Nevermind.
Konahaku: Did burreto make a new video? xD
Shmoogy: liar! D:
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: The guy who you donated all your stuff to.
Shmoogy: you know sc- whats his face! D:
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: Me?
x_JJneufmoiS_x: i remember donated to someone by that name that's about it
x_JJneufmoiS_x: donating*
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: Nevermind JJ. xD
Shmoogy: lies! i know your secret.
Shmoogy: you said so. D:<
Shmoogy: to me.
Shmoogy: in a conversation.
Shmoogy: at a point in time.
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: Shmoo, Kiki believes Shwartz.
Shmoogy: near a parking lot!!
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *shrugs* so much for apology accept
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: Shwarts is her friend and he... wouldn't like to her.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: ed*
Shmoogy: im just saying i know, JJ.:3
Shmoogy: ?
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: *cough cough*
shindou_shuichi16 leaves the chat.
x=Sanrei=x: u_u
Ilph enters the chat.
Konahaku: -gives shmoo a random hug-
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: *points at Friiends list*
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: Hey
Shmoogy: *randomly hugged*
Ilph: Hi
x=Sanrei=x: Hello
Shmoogy: hi, ilph.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: hey
Ilph: Who's spot did i take?
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: No ones.
Konahaku: No one special.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: no one in particular
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: Someone just left.
Ilph: okay
Shmoogy: i forget. :3
Konahaku: Hi ilph. ^^
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: Shindou or something.
Ilph: -glares at kona-
Shmoogy: cmon, neth!
Shmoogy: stop taking your time if your giving me a loan!
Shmoogy: i need those sealeds, dammit. XO
Konahaku: -glared at-
Konahaku: Fel told me to.
Shmoogy: ?
Ilph: >__>
Konahaku: I was used.
Shmoogy: please the 5th, kona! plead the 5th! its your best chance!
Ilph: shut uo kona
Shmoogy: surprised
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: =0
Ilph: *up
x=Sanrei=x: ... o_o
Konahaku: -cowers-
x_JJneufmoiS_x: oh dear
Shmoogy: please the ******** 5th, man! D:<
Konahaku: 'Kay. Just no more crowbar.
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: 5th what??
Shmoogy: amendment.
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: *flash back* NO CROWBAR!!!!!!
Shmoogy: plead it! XO
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: *hides*
Ilph: >__>
Ilph: -burps-
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: o.o!
Shmoogy: fancy, ilph. =
Ilph: i know ;3
Shmoogy: fancy as a lumberjack. -_-
Ilph: -chuckles-
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: =d
Ilph: -yawns-
Shmoogy: ...can i punch neth? i wanna punch neth. D:<
Ilph: yes
Ilph: you can
Ilph: more than ocne too
Ilph: make sure you get em good
Shmoogy: woohoo! he said hes giving me a loan. and hes taking his time on saying okay. >=
Ilph: xD
x_JJneufmoiS_x: how much?
Shmoogy: ....*borrows ilph's crowbar* ;3
Ilph: HEY!
Shmoogy: 16k. i paid him back the first time in under 2 days.
Ilph: -take sit back-
x_JJneufmoiS_x: bummer ><
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: *shivers from the appearance of the crowbar*
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: WHAT?!?!?!
Shmoogy: ..*borrows ilph's club* ;3
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: What would he do if you didn't give it back in 2 days?
Ilph: -nods to shmoo-
Shmoogy: nothing. i just gave it back to him.
Shmoogy: all the 16k. =
Shmoogy: biggrin
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: Oh.
Shmoogy: *joyous moment*
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: Whoah! How?
Shmoogy: i have my ways.
x=Sanrei=x: Now I'm lagging. D:
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: Man you must type fast. xD
Shmoogy: nuuuu. D;
Shmoogy: *saves spot*
Shmoogy: nope. :3
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: Whoah. xD
Ilph: shmoo
x_JJneufmoiS_x: hmm...
Shmoogy: i bought the omfg, hated it, sold it for 5k more and someone bought it. XD
Ilph: you annoy me
x=Sanrei=x: It's from having the window open too long.
Shmoogy: ilph.
x=Sanrei=x: BRB
Shmoogy: you bug me alot with your petty opinions.
x=Sanrei=x leaves the chat.
x=Sanrei=x enters the chat.
Ilph: -chuckles-
Ilph: Glad ot be of service shmoo ;3
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: W/b
x=Sanrei=x: There.
Ilph: I _WAS_ going to say something ncie
x=Sanrei=x: Much better.
Ilph: but i'll keep it ot myself now
Shmoogy: lies! D:
x_JJneufmoiS_x: okaaay
Shmoogy: you said i annoy you. thats so not nice. i should know. D;
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: D=
Ilph: but iw as going to say i lvoe you anwyays
Ilph: but well
Ilph: no ;3
x=Sanrei=x: Aw
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: *looks around* We all love you Shmoo!
Shmoogy: well, then somebody is a snippy person. XD
x=Sanrei=x: Test.... >_>
Shmoogy: thank you?
Ilph: >__>
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: xD Yeah.... I think?
Ilph: -goes ot playw ith his avvie-
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *noticing 13 tokens showing up on his screen rather than 3* what the hell?
Shmoogy: thats gross ilph. D;
Shmoogy: youll catch something from that.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: ugh
Ilph: you know i emant dress up shmoo
Ilph: so shut up
x_JJneufmoiS_x: oops*
Shmoogy: but just coming in contact with you is bad. x3
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: Brb
Konahaku: xD
Shmoogy: that being directed in the nicest way possible. :3
Ilph: shut up shmoo
x=Sanrei=x: *curls up on the couch*
Shmoogy: why? youll be idling, playing dress up. so....nah.
Konahaku leaves the chat.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: heheh that'd definitely make me feel like a kid again. playing dress up that is XD
RyuAkio enters the chat.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: XP*
RyuAkio: RICE
RyuAkio: *glomps*
Shmoogy: dont ya just hate it when im too happy to bring down? *gives thanks to certain comeone*
x=Sanrei=x: Ryu. Hello.
Shmoogy: :3
RyuAkio: 'ello
x_JJneufmoiS_x: wheee!! *to shmoo*
Shmoogy: ?
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: Back! =D
x_JJneufmoiS_x: don't mind me. i've been around my sisters all day *to Shmoogy* >.<
RyuAkio: WB Rice
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: Thank you!
Shmoogy: okay. =
x_JJneufmoiS_x: oh wb rice*
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: Thank you! =D
RyuAkio: *cuddles his Ilph*
Ilph: >__>
Ilph: that better be your yeti ryu
RyuAkio: *nods*
Shmoogy: presents from the store owners?
Shmoogy: whats in them?
x_JJneufmoiS_x: who now?
Shmoogy: http://www.gaiaonline.com/gaia/vend.php?mystore=167897
x=Sanrei=x: Christmas items
Shmoogy: whats with that? its like..june. D:
x_JJneufmoiS_x: ah
Shmoogy: ive never seen them. whats inside them?
x=Sanrei=x: I forget... which ones.
x=Sanrei=x: u_u;;
x_JJneufmoiS_x: haven't found out yet v.v
Shmoogy: *thinks of anything that - tektek! biggrin
x=Sanrei=x: Might be the stuff like.. the striped gloves and socks.
RyuAkio: *huggles the real Ilph*
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: =DD
RyuAkio: *hugs San*
x=Sanrei=x: *hugged* x3
RyuAkio: =3
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: =3
x_JJneufmoiS_x: hmm. i could use some striped clothing every now and then confused
Shmoogy: the spirited outfit.
x=Sanrei=x: spirited
RyuAkio: *goes back to cuddling HIS Ilph*
x_JJneufmoiS_x: then again maybe not XP
Shmoogy: i had those..when they were like 300g. v_V
Shmoogy: now they are like 3000g. D:
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: Shmoo, I just sent like... 30g. xD
Shmoogy: i can tell. -_-
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: xD Are you getting close to your letter?
Shmoogy: x3 thank you. :3
Shmoogy: once i get the effing loan. D:<
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: xD S'okay.
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: I though you already paid back the loan!!
Shmoogy: im asking for another one. -_-
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: D=
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: ;.;
Shmoogy: i want to many things... v_v;;
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *thinking* hmmmm...
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: =__=
RyuAkio: *gnaws on the yeti's horn*
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: Yeti... yum...
RyuAkio: No, Ilph yum....
RyuAkio: *laughs*
RyuAkio: >.>;;
Shmoogy: ryu= a bit creepy now.
Shmoogy: yes! i got the money!
Shmoogy: money money money! mooonaaay! biggrin
x=Sanrei=x: Yay!
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *to rice* i don't mean to bother you but i just need your opinion: black&white or black&red?
RyuAkio: I'm not creepy
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: Black and white.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: thanks
x=Sanrei=x: I agree
Shmoogy: for me. :3
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: o.o
x_JJneufmoiS_x: i just need to fix me up a wardrobe of mine *whispers to shmoo and rice* something to match the eyes
Shmoogy: *scampers off to buy 2 letters...maybe three, if im lucky*
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: Ooh. xD
Shmoogy: okay.
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: I think I have to go...
x=Sanrei=x: Aw
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: D=
x_JJneufmoiS_x: not sure about the hair though *shrugs* i'm probably gonna have to get another make-over
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: Wait... I gonna find out something.
Shmoogy: id need 4951 gold to get another letter. D:
x_JJneufmoiS_x: aw
RyuAkio: later Rice
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: 4952!?!?!?!
x_JJneufmoiS_x: bye
Shmoogy: bye, rice. Dl
x=Sanrei=x: Bye
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: That will take me 1000 years!
RyuAkio: *huggles rice*
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: *huggles all* Thanks!
xxx Rice Cracker xxx: Bye
xxx Rice Cracker xxx leaves the chat.
The Slipper Whore enters the chat.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: hey slipper, hun
x_JJneufmoiS_x: ^_^
RyuAkio: 'ello Slipper
The Slipper Whore: Hi JJ.
x=Sanrei=x: HI
The Slipper Whore: Hi Ryu
The Slipper Whore: Hi Sanrei
Shmoogy: hi, slipper! biggrin
The Slipper Whore: Hi Smoogy.
The Slipper Whore: How are you all?
Shmoogy: your font hurts me. D:
Shmoogy: blind. ;3
The Slipper Whore: I'm sorry]
RyuAkio: *goes back to gnaw on Ilph's horns(yeti)*
The Slipper Whore: Better?
Shmoogy: yay. :3
x_JJneufmoiS_x: i'm all good despite the headache
x=Sanrei=x: Yesh
Shmoogy: i want to win the grunny themed computer...
The Slipper Whore: The what?
Shmoogy: check the updates.
The Slipper Whore: Ok
Shmoogy: for peeps in cali. D:
The Slipper Whore: Make me work.. Sheesh
The Slipper Whore: Damn..
x_JJneufmoiS_x: i wonder how much space the hard drive has hmmmm
The Slipper Whore: I'm in Ohio...
Shmoogy: texas... crying
x=Sanrei=x: .. They didn't give the hard drive size in the specs?
x_JJneufmoiS_x: Florida T.T
The Slipper Whore: Wah..
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *to San* not that i know of
RyuAkio: *huggles San and his Ilph*
x=Sanrei=x: 40 gigs
x_JJneufmoiS_x: fair enough
x=Sanrei=x: *huggles back*
Shmoogy: whats a sapter?
The Slipper Whore: I need some good music to rock me to sleep with...
x_JJneufmoiS_x: no clue o_O
Shmoogy: supposedly its a weapon.
The Slipper Whore: Like.. Classical..
The Slipper Whore: A septer?
Shmoogy: theres stick, rod, staff, sapter, lightsaber.
Shmoogy: scepter, you mean?
x_JJneufmoiS_x: ah
The Slipper Whore: **scepter
The Slipper Whore: Yeah
RyuAkio: the staff thing?
RyuAkio: *blinks*
Shmoogy: woohoo!
RyuAkio: ??
Shmoogy: robe, magic robe, wizards rove, scorcers robe!!
Shmoogy: homg ryu!
Shmoogy: me you ilph are going to be in a gaaame. <3
RyuAkio: Yes??
Shmoogy: *huggles nathan*
RyuAkio: ok
Shmoogy: check the guild. :3
Ilph: o.o;
Shmoogy: LMAO? thats a hat?
RyuAkio: =___=
Shmoogy: ilph did you ever check ...do you even check the guild?
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *to Slipper* do you think i'd look like a butch lesbian with a ducktail hairstyle?
Ilph: rarely xD -goes otlook-
Shmoogy: here.
Shmoogy: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=3519159
Shmoogy: yes, jj.
Shmoogy: just. yes. D:
RyuAkio: *looks at the kiki trying to eat his hand*
x_JJneufmoiS_x: thanks for the warning Shmoo phew
The Slipper Whore: WHAT about a lesbian?
Shmoogy: hair.
Ilph: lol
x_JJneufmoiS_x: me in a with a ducktail hairstyle, slipper
Ilph: rm2k3 xD
Ilph: i deleted that off my comp recently xDD
RyuAkio: ......
The Slipper Whore: Duck tail?
x_JJneufmoiS_x: yeah under salon
RyuAkio: *huggles the real Ilph*
The Slipper Whore: You mean like... Ilph?
x_JJneufmoiS_x: nope
x_JJneufmoiS_x: what Shmoo used to have
x_JJneufmoiS_x: i think o.O
Ilph: ryu named his yeti ilph u.u;
Shmoogy: it was horrible. D:
The Slipper Whore: That doesn't help me any
Shmoogy: go check the salon with a preview.
RyuAkio: I hug the REAL Ilph this time tho
Shmoogy: of ducktail.
The Slipper Whore: Boo, I'm a GIRL
Shmoogy: .....mule?
x_JJneufmoiS_x: i don't even have good skin for it XP
The Slipper Whore: Nope..
Shmoogy: find somebody. D:
The Slipper Whore: Mine are all girls..
RyuAkio: *coughs* =___=
RyuAkio: damnit.........
x_JJneufmoiS_x: the new ones are of the same gender to my knowledge *to Slipper*
The Slipper Whore: I'll check
x_JJneufmoiS_x: k
Shmoogy: i have to go sleep now peoples.
Shmoogy: byebye. D:
Shmoogy leaves the chat.
Ilph: bye
x_JJneufmoiS_x: bye hun
Ilph: >__>
x_JJneufmoiS_x: eh?
Ilph: no respect i tell ya!
x_JJneufmoiS_x: aw
The Slipper Whore: I see it
The Slipper Whore: EW
The Slipper Whore: Do not get that
Ilph: ? o.o;
x_JJneufmoiS_x: tell me about it XP
Konahaku enters the chat.
The Slipper Whore: It's so ugly!
RyuAkio: 'ello Konahaku
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *shudders* ugh
Konahaku: Hello.
Ilph: -goes ot TV-
The Slipper Whore: Hello Kona..
Konahaku: Hi slipper.
Konahaku: Still hate me?
The Slipper Whore: Don't bring it up.
Konahaku: 'Kay.
RyuAkio: =__=
The Slipper Whore: So how are you?
RyuAkio: *coughs some more*
Konahaku: Me?
The Slipper Whore: Mhm!
x_JJneufmoiS_x: gtg. gonna kill my hair stylist now D:<
The Slipper Whore: Ok JJ
The Slipper Whore: Have fun!
x_JJneufmoiS_x: oh believe me i will
The Slipper Whore: ^_^

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