and now i all alone....destroyed at what i've done...i take a galance upwards and see the moon and stars..i lift up my head and howl real loud...into the night sky...i then get up and run...running away to who knows where...i'll just run...until i find what i'm looking for....i feel like i've lost...and indeed i have...a good friend has gone what should i do....the only thing i begin to form...and fill my dark wolfish eyes....these eyes....that slowly close as i continue to run....
I cryed when I read this that he sent to me and now I cry because he is gone away from me.
...i don't know how to take you silence...but remember this....if you ever want to talk to me..whether it be in, kindness..whatever...i'll be here for seems to me though that i should disappear..this time for real and without my other avi.....(which i haven't used in a while anyways....but that's beside the point....) you don't know how bad i feel...or how sorry i am to have deceived you.....and all my other friends here on gaia.....i am so sorry...but like i said...i'll always be there for you....
I realize that now and I'm happy I realized it I am grateful to have a friend like you.I am sorry for saying you lied to me I realize I could have upset one of the only friends I have...
i'm trying to become stronger and tell nactare too....but i don't think i can....
Don't tell her...don't I will do my best to break it to her okay?So you go through anymore pain than you are okay?
but it will hurt me if i don't do it...then i'd be like the others...not being able to confide in my friends.....i know that i can trust her...i love her as my friend too...i should be the one to tell her....but i feel so tainted......that's the true reason behind my sig...i'm actually more like the prince of persia than any other character out there....i've been trying to change my fate...time...and other things...but it seems like i'm always failing....
*sighs and acts like Mimiru*See?!That's your problem!You doubt yourself and your going to get no where!If you have confidence you might get some where.Trust me I know my sister helped me with these things.
ha ha ha...i have's just that....i was really hurt.....all i need is a bit more time....but if you would like to tell her...and feel that it would be better than me telling her...then please tell me i don't have to think about this naymore....
I'll tell her....I might cry but I'll tell her okay?You just get this off of your shoulders okay?
........thank really are a great friend and a true angel......
I miss him so much
hey rikku.....pming you to tell you that this will most likely be my last pm to you...i'm gonna be leaving gaia now...for good...i can't be on it anymore....too many thing going on in my look me up later tonight cuz i'm gonna be giving away my things.......ok....well enough of this.....ha ha ha......we'll hopefully talk tonight
No, but you will have so many friends left behind and sad.......your leaving us?, for good?! No!!!! please don't leave.....your a REAL good friend...please.....
as for your other pm...eing a kid at heart helps you get through some bad me...i as for being your friend...i'll always be your friend...see...all you need to do whenever you need to talk to someone is write me an email....i gave it to nactare too...but i told her not to tell anyone.....samw applies with can't let anyone know that i've talked to you.....this will be my final pm here on gaia...i just wanted to give you my email..cuaz i kinda forgot ha ha ha...but here you go...:
please don't be afraid to write to me...and if i don't write back's cuz i'm're my of the few......and i'll do everything i can to keep it that way....but now my time on gaia has finally come to an end...a sad one yes....but hey...not all endings are fairy tale endings.......
one problem with you giving me your e-mail I have parental COntrols and my parents are worry-warts...
??? don't get it??? my email is dirty things free....i'm a clean guy ha ha ha.
I know that but they don't.....
well, i'm also on myspace...the name is idiosyncracy ha ha ha ha...or type in my name in the search know it right???
No, I don't....I have a myspace as well....My display name is Rikku or try Ashlee(my REAL name) or try this
i'll try ha ha ha ha....i'll go check it out right now and tell you if it works or no....if it doesn't....well then.....i dunno.
I think I found background blue and red letters
have a pic of me wearing anavy blue pants and matching vest over a royal blue shirt....yeah....that's me...ha ha ha....and your account is set on private by the way so i can't see/ anything with the way...did you get the mask???
mask?...........!!!!!!.....that*looks at the ground* that was from you wasn't?
since i wasn't coming back..i asked my other great friend on gaia to please give it to you.....cuz that was a part of a 2-piece item set that i truly cherished here on lunar cloak (which was given to her) and the mask which was for you...but since you weren't on when i was leaving i asked her to please give it to you.....and yeah i accepted you as my friend....please don't make too much fun on how i look ha h ah ha
We are such great friends.
see you weeping on the corner...and my spirit goes to shadow solidifies and wipes away your don't know it's me...but yet you do. i comfort you and hold you, and also give you a hug and kiss have no idea how much it hurts, being away from you..know this though, you are my friend and no matter what, i''l try to mend, these tears that you shed
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