here's a big kthnx ******** you guys to Elizabeth Arden.
I was so excited to work there.. but then Wendy called me back. She took her damn time getting back to me and then decided to tell me I'd only be working weekends... already on minimum pay.
what...the ********.
so I just decided ******** that and I'm out looking for someplace else to work because there is no way I'm only getting app. $864 a month. ******** that. I'm in college, guys, I need a bit more money than that.
so, thank you Wendy Phillips for taking too ******** long to get back to me about things and letting me know too ******** late that I'd only be working two days a week. If I had taken that job I would have had to get a second job because $864 will pay for food and a tank or two of gas per month if I'm lucky. ******** you guys (E.A.). I hope you all choke on your caviar you snoody inconsiderate bastards.
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