Dolphins are oneof my favorite anials, and it's een one of my dreams t seea whale anddolphin how, and now it'sa realiy! (tommorow I get to swim with them!)
Even thugh it's not the first the firs thing i did, since it's fresh in my mind, I'll talk about te whale show first! well, at the start, there were a bunch of realysmll orcas... Even the manatees were bigger than that! (actully, the manatees were huge! they looked so tiny on tv...) But then, after quiitea bit into theshow, shamu came out (Shamu is actually te stage name shared by the largest orcas in seaworld!) Yeah... but before that, there was a dolphin, whale, and bird show... as well as humans... not only were there dolphins and porpises doing tricks therewere a bunch of guys in costumes flying atound on cords and even a trapeze! Then I saw hedlphins up close, wet through the shark unnel thingy, saw some stingrays, fed some sea lions..
to remember it.. a bunch of crappy photosthat I could't time, a cute blue visor... and a bag if fake rocks..
But not just any fake rocks... they'reshinyfake rocks!
Odenpa Kunoichi Community Member |