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Yellow Brick Road (Life is an a** right now.)
XD I decided that the whole world didn't need to know about my family affairs and destroyed this entry. Sa-chan and Meggy, thank you so much for your support~ It's so nice to have my friends around. Bahhh...I'll be returning to Canada in June, so I'll see you then, Meggy. And Sa-chan I guess I'll talk to you with the convinience of MSN then. Meg and I should totally have an actual talk talk conversation with you, but my mic is broken so I have to use hers...Which is in Canada. Damn Damn damn.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu May 04, 2006 @ 03:36am
Poor you...*Hugs endlessly.*

We're all waiting for you to come home so we can look after you. You just hold on a bit longer and you'll be back on this end of the border. Give it time. You're dad'll be fine. Right about now you should be worrying about your own health above all else! heart

See you soon dear,

commentCommented on: Thu May 04, 2006 @ 04:46am
Ranting is good for the mind really it lets out all our problems and pain. Its good you're not bottling this up. I don't know why people tend to have a problem coexisting its something neither us understand really. Yes there's that whole its for the best s**t but I'm not going to say it. I've heard it and hated it you just said you did too. So you're suddenly on the edge of the river styx wondering how the ******** you got there. Don't worry there's a path through the darkness. Its true blood is thicker than water, that's why having one's love betrayed turns to such hate. Its the betrayal of that devotion of the heart that is what it boils down to. I'm sure your father will turn out fine adults tend to find a way to survive. Worry about yourself for now and hang on. Though your friends aren't family they are supports and good minds to surrender yourself too. Just as you have been there for them they will be there for you. If you need to talk anytime I'm right here as is all the rest of your friends.
~ With sincere concern and care,

Community Member
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