Well..okay...rambling ahoy.
I am sick and tired of you damn drama queens. I'm sick of the way you push people in the dirt. I'm sick of the way you constantly act all buddy buddy with people only to talk about them behind their backs. Its not right to do that to people and that's why I'm doing this now. Because I've had it.
Why don't you do something good for the world and stop whining to us about this that and the other when we obviously don't care at all. Why don't you just act your age? Is it too much to ask?! I mean...you're an adult, you could at least so some maturity in situations and be PATIENT with other people.
God damn....it frustrates me so much....these elitest type people who think they have all these friends...when really they treat their 'friends' like s**t and nothing else...a passing fad and a thing of the time. I know some of them have dealt with me because...hey I came with the package. They could at least have the decency and respect to tell me they don't like me instead of telling my other friends when they think that I'm not around.
Corruption is all it turns out to be....and until they stop their artwhorish ways...artists will never be treated the way they should be....people won't get the respect they deserve. If we'd just stop babying them through every minor situation...they might grow a skin and see how they're treating people...if we shun them as they've shunned us...if we throw them in the dirt like they've done to some of us...maybe then they'd understand why no one wants anything to do with them anymore. Why they're losing friends so fast....
If you think you know who I'm talking about....don't post names here...get into contact with me privately. If you don't get an answer right away...be patient. Some of us have lives outside of you and your damn needs and wants. I can't tolerate this any longer.
jenna_chan2 · Sat Apr 29, 2006 @ 05:18pm · 4 Comments |