I was walking with my mate Hazel, and we walked through my friend Taylor's hand ball game. He lost the round cause of us.... xp H was being sarcastic and he said "Nu! Melissa, look what you've done!" I said "Its not the end of the world" And he said "Yes it is, the world is already starting to blow up" And I was like "I suppose you'll be blown up soon?" And hes like "We already have" And then....and then!......I said what ever and walked away. So now we are dead buddies. And then, theres this guy called Guy, and he isn't my friend but hey, he is always being annoying, so I said (by accident) "I hate you!" And he said "I thought you were cool!" And I was like "Yea, cooler than you" And hes like "I know,but......no wait! My bad! rofl
XxDarkness.WithinxX · Thu Apr 27, 2006 @ 08:19am · 0 Comments |