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Getting Away with Murder
"Getting Away With Murder"

Somewhere beyond happiness and sadness
I need to calculate
What creates my own madness
And I'm addicted to your punishment
And you're the master
And I am waiting for disaster

I feel irrational
So confrontational
To tell the truth I am
Getting away with murder
It isn't possible
To never tell the truth
But the reality is I'm getting away with murder
(Getting away, Getting away, Getting away)

I drink my drink and I don't even want to
I think my thoughts when I don't even need to
I never look back cause I don't even want to
And I don't need to
Because I'm getting away with murder


Getting away, Getting away, Getting away,
Getting away, Getting away, Getting away,
Getting away, Getting away, Getting away,
With murder

Somewhere beyond happiness and sadness
I need to calculate
What creates my own madness
And I'm addicted to your punishment
And you're the master
And I am craving this disaster

[Chorus 2x]

By Papa Roach. I can't beleive it. I like a Papa Roach song. The apocalypse is near.


Well, aside form learning to play 'Stairway to Heaven' on my guitar, nothing much has happened. I have changed my name from Aoki Kyattsuai to [Castitas Lilium], which doesn't have much of an English translation. It can be considered 'Lily of purity', 'Innocent Lily', or 'Chastity of the Lily'.

It's just sickening how much of a misnomer that is when it's used. I watch way too much Elfen Lied. Moving on.

I just blew up Sasuke in an RP. Yeah, bet you didn't see that coming, huh?! He deserved it.

I was waltzing through all the guilds I've joined but visit like once a year just recently, and looking at my Fan Thread in the Shouchi no Suke One Piece guild.

I really hate saying this, but Dimdim was right. I was so OCD-ish. I insulted and yelled at EVERYBODY. It was so fun while I did it, but now, looking back, it makes me feel like I was kind of stupid. Okay, really stupid.

But I'm not saying Dimdim was right.

Because she was wrong.


On a more dismal note, I am very very upset to be back in school from spring break. I had the time of my life sitting around playing video games, laughing at my friends while they were in school, and chatting with Koun-chan on MSN (I dearly miss IMing people ;.; ) it was lots of fun talking about the most random things ever with the convenience of IM, which I now lack because this computer is as freaking old as I am. Bah, poor Koun-chan. I really hope she desn't go nuts. I would. (How's that for comfort?)

Megaru Ryuuji and Tama-rin, I miss you guys so much! We really need to RP together sometime. Well at least Meg and I do. Tama quit Gaia, which is why I'm so rich all of the sudden. I got a shitload of items from her. W00t.

All in all, I still love Elfen Lied as if it were my own child, I still haven't acted in Degrassi even though I come from Canada, and I still wish I had some sushi right about now.

My friend of the day is Happystar, or Sha-chan.

My insult of the day is 'Racist f**' (Lecture someone about being intolerant while you be homophobic! YAY FOR HYPOCRACY!)

My quote of the day is 'Happiness is like peeing your pants. Everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warmth' I saw that in someone's signature like a year and a half ago.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Apr 29, 2006 @ 07:07am
Ah this brings back memories. *looks up watches some owl swoop down on a mosue in silent death* Anywho getting back on topic yes I miss chatting with you it was loads of fun! Not going nuts yet but I think I've developed a twitch in my neck. *twitches* Though that could be from a lot of things. Anywho. Ciao! *twitches on the way out*

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