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A Thoughtless Inquiry Forgive and Forget I suppose...

Trick Shadow
Community Member
Break-ups and Books
So, just today after a long time's studying, I was surfing through Youtube.
I stumbled upon a channel with a lot of nice and funny animations. Guy goes by:


...so anyways,
I start watching his vids and stumble upon a series of shorts he recently made called Break-Ups.
I watched the first two, pretty funny. I watched the third one and received an incredible surprise...

His story was incredibly similar to my most recent relationship.

With the exception of what happened after the break-up, it's nice to hear a story with a lot of similarities.

I hope, one day, like he did, that we'll be friends again, letting bygones be bygones.

It's a wonderful day out there,
But it's my grades and my studies that I care
About to head out into this great night,
Yet here I am, reading my books under the moonlight.

Nobody enjoy's studying, but you just gotta believe it'll get you somewhere good in life

“Wisdom is nothing more than confirmed imagination: just because one did not study for his exam does not mean that he should leave it blank.”
Criss Jami

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