The pain ceased, yet the terrible cold prevailed. Would fate be merciful and allow her to wake from one of the dreams that sometimes haunted or would it show its outmost cruelty and let the pain continue? When she felt a piece of wood under her and strange unkind voices talking, she knew that fate wasn't smiling today
The girl was tied below as the woman was raised atop the gallows and laid upon it. The men who'd brought them there immediately began to grasp at the woman's body, fondling and gripping wherever they could reach, fingers pressing between her legs, squeezing her breasts and nipples until the nubs turned to hard, dark points, grasping her a**. She was lifted half up then, allowed to droop across the man's arms as he pressed into her.
Laughter spread over the place. How many of the men were there? Some seemed to have joined the game, having waited in town for the riders to come home with new prey. She soon lost count, only pressing her eyes shut and hoping this would end soon. When tears started running down her cheeks, the laughter grew and the pain as the men didn't take care in any respect.
The woman's body began to grow lax as she passed from man to man, her breathing escaping in sighs and moans. Her mouth and body were filled again and again, the lids of her eyes beginning to shut not of her own will but of the sapping of her strength. A rough, hempen rope pressed between her legs then, another beneath her breasts as she slumped forward. Hands began to knead and squeeze the dangling mounds with renewed vigor then, a few of the men lying upon her back and taking her there if only to be able to whisper mocking words in her ear.
She tried to focus onto the pain coming from the closley tied ropes and shut from her mind, what the other men were doing to her. Every moan, and may it have been caused by the violence done to her, made her shame and embarassment grow. When the last men had withdrawn she felt sore and numb. A sigh of relief escaped her swollen lips, from which droplets of blood were falling to the earth. But this was to early. she couldn't help screaming, when the first fist connected with her stomach.
She was lifted, her head lolling about as if her neck could no longer support its weight. The blows began to rain down, some catching her face, most landing solidly within the confines of her stomach, pounding into the sore flesh of her breasts. Yes, these received the heft of the beating, if only for the men to see them move with the force of their strikes, to hear the growing weariness in her voice. The rope pressed savagely as it moved deeper between her legs, taking her weight upon it, sending shivers through her as the coarse material ground against the sensitive bud there, gasps leaving her bloodied lips.
Her world spun wildly once they allowed her to slump upon the ropes once more, her breathing coming and going in ragged pants through her mouth. "Nnhhhhaahhh..." The noise came hoarsely from her as a fist dragged her head up by the hair, the man viewing eyes that were open only a sliver, her lips parted in a way that made him want to cram his tongue down her throat once more, arms hanging uselessly, flanking the bruised, dark breasts, her nipples twisted and pinched by two others. A sigh left the woman as her body sagged upon the ropes, the mounds slipping downward to be cupped in waiting palms, her eyes shut.
His lips crushed hers before he allowed her head to drop, almost amused at the slap of her chin against the waiting, round flesh.
Music filtered through the growing dusk as the men took notice of the time and the sounds of revelry from the nearby saloons and bordellos. The girl watched as the men gave the woman their forms of farewell, lifting her head to taste her mouth, squeezing her a** in passing, dragging their hands along her from leg to shoulder, though all seemed to at least grasp one of her breasts and toy with it, if not taking both in hand as another held up her head to see if they could glean a response. Head allowed to fall once more, a final fondle given to her chest, she was left to hang upon the ropes as the men entered the nearest saloon. The girl watched the limp body until the fading sunlight failed to be enough to see by. It seemed she moved a moment, though this may have only been an early night breeze pushing at her hanging limbs.
![]() Silver Nephil Community Member ![]() |