Not much has happened today that was too exciting for anyone but myself, I am sure. I had a few revelations about besides the fact that my sister is a slut, my niece is going to grow up horrible, one of my friends is a gossip and the entire town of which iused to live in knows that I had a certain type of surgery done, that wouldn't have bothered me if anyone knew had they heard it from me,but instead someone else told all of them. Great support system right? Oh well I suppose. I have however, realized that it is my turn. My turn to work on me, work on what I want and how I want things to be. Everyone else can ******** off for a while and deal with their problems on their own. They can give it a try. I'm sure they'll be all right.
Shy_Red · Tue Nov 30, 2004 @ 09:10pm · 0 Comments |