So here's the deal: I was on DeviantArt and I noticed there is absolutely NO good fanart of Treasure Planet. Zero. Zip. The only ones that are even borderline acceptable have him naked with angel wings wrapping his arms around some girl who looks exactly like him and is apparently his girlfriend.
I propose that those of you with DA accounts draw some lovely art of Jim Hawkins, Silver, BEN, whatever, as long as it's Treasure Planet related and doesn't have Jim in a freaky relationship with John Silver. Because that pairing is gross.
Post a link here in my journal, and I'll check it out. Whether I like it or not, you win 1000 gold here on Gaia. My favorite will get a lovely sum of 10,000 gold. (because giving out any more that that would result in me going broke)
If you don't have a DA account... yeah, I don't know. I guess make one? It's not like you have to pay or anything like that... You can find me there with the original username ebil-nekocat.
The contest will end when I get bored of waiting. So probably in August. Good luck!
Disclaimer: There is some good TP art, and most of the stuff by Dolphy is actually quite pretty.
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