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Incomplete posts shall go here! Mwaha!
'Ah! Well, I just woke up inside this house...I'm not sure what happened, really...' Nana said, trailing off as she tried to figure out how exactly it was possible that she had woken up here. 'If you're lost, then, you're free to stay I guess...' Who was she to keep others away from a house that wasn't even hers? If visitors could come this easily, though, the kidnapping theoy seemed to have it faults.

Sometimes, after a big party, Kouta had complained that he wouldn't remember a lot of what happened the night before- Though he never told the penultimate diclonius why. Whatever it was, it had something to do with Mario Party and a lot of drinking.

[Okay, this dude I know actually played the Mario Party drinking game. Now, it's my goal in life to do that someday.]

However, he did say that his head ached, and hers felt fine. Also, she didn't feel like she was really hanging over anything. For a moment she felt as if something had grabbed her insides and squeezed them rather uncomfortably- An unfamiliar presence that was definately inhuman had began Wearing a priceless expression of a sort of stubborn and righteous realization, she finally spoke to Misha again.

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