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The Rants and Life of a Madwoman
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I swear it's one letter. No one can convince me otherwise.

Anywho, I had an interview today. I think it went pretty well, but I won't know for a couple more days. I hate waiting. I'd rather hear that I was turned down than wait. Waiting makes me anxious and that makes me chest and throat feel tight whenever I think about it. Blah.

I have been helping ASM Fiddler on the Roof at the college. There are two other ASMs and the SM, but the director hasn't given us much responcablity at all. Mostly we sit around staring at the ceiling tiles. Sometimes we take line notes on the off chance that someone will ask for them. I'm kinda looking forward to it being over to be honest. Never felt this way towards a show. Ah well.

I want KH2 when it comes out, but I'll have to wait a couple of months so I can afford it. xD It took me a couple of days to beat the first game. I hope this one is a bit more difficult. I was also thinking of getting the KH: Chain of Memories, but I never really into any Gameboy games, unless I'm riding in the car.

I don't know what else to say right now. Getting poked with a pen hurts.

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commentCommented on: Thu Mar 23, 2006 @ 01:26am
ha ha...imma get KH2 when it comes out and make sweet love all day and night long......to it ninja

Hope your interview pays off.

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 14, 2006 @ 05:54am
I'm probably about a quarter of the way done KH2.....and it's neat. It feels like some of the uniqueness is a tad lost since it's like the rich older brother of a quality game. It's really fun...no doubt...but for all the great new features and what-not...I still feel slightly disconnected.

Perhaps a big negative for me is that I feel soo powerful right away, which is good cause there is no option to load any KH1 data....but there's the thing....It's like I didn't have to earn anything.

My advice....if you get it....start at max difficulty. I didn't and I'm wishing I did.


And you probably wanna try through KH:Chains of Memory. Soo far there have been tons of references to that (obvious ones...too)....but I have no clue what they're talking about crying

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