My friend asked me ,the other day, who I liked. I didn't have a real answer. So I told her that my eye was set on a very cute anime character. Kindda wierd in its own way, but oh well live with it. The anime character I told her about was none other than...
heart KYO
heart from Fruits Basket. Anyone who has visited my gaia page can see in the background, several pictures of Kyo. So if you're curious as to what he looks like, just check out my profile. He has beautiful orange hair, brown eyes and he turns into a cat when a girl hugs him. My friend said she was more a Yuki person. He is another boy from Fruits Basket with flowing silver hair and purple eyes. He turns into a rat when he is hugged. Hearing her talk about Yuki made me think of Hatsuharu or Haru for short. Yet, another boy from Fruits Basket with white hair on the top of his haid and, at the neckline, black hair. He has black eyes and if you piss him off he goes black and could possibly knock you on consience or worse. When he is white meaning calm and not so mad or annoyed, he is a pretty good and polite person. He will turn into a cow if he is hugged by a girl.
Which brings me to conclude, I gotta quit this obssession with Fruits Basket and start liking some real, non-cartoon boys. Ha, like that'll ever happen. I guess I should try, though. I mean I'm caught up in this and its not real. IT IS NOT REAL!!! I dont think Ill ever really believe that on my own. I'd probably need a sychiatrist.
Anyway, Peace out
wahmbulance Your world on fire wahmbulance