The place where all of my thoughts go before I have a chance to think them through and only post the things that matter or don't offend people. Be warned.
Boredom At Midnight & Aucitons
I just thought I'd rant about how boring my family is and how bored I can get being around them. Well.. I don't have the sort of friend that you can count on to ALWAYS be there. One that has you as a best friend and others as just friends. I used to but she moved to Arizona- not by choise. now I just hang around the house and call people to find out they're gone somewhere with one of their/my other friends.
Then there's my family. My parents just try to ignore me I suppose. Yes, they work and they can be very busy- but for a week now I've been trying to find time to have a family movie------ hasn't happend. And if I don't go up to them then they completely leave me alone, i suppose that can be an advantage on the count that I could sneak out and they wouldn't know or even care. But sometimes I'd like to have parents who actually care what you're doing and if you'ld like to do something with them. I've seen it around, kids don't want to be near their parents and their parents want to be near them. I'm usually that what but my parents are always --- atleast that i notice --- in the direction of "leave me alone".
Now that that rant is over. I have one more. Ok yes, that auction i went to was fun---- cause my parents stayed in the live auction area and i stayed in the silent auction. I got 4 dvd's that way and they didn't have to worry about me watching the more expensive stuff like stereos--- and they can't act like i didn't see them xd however. When my dad had just finished telling me "no, you don't need a loan for $10.oo bucks to buy a t-shirt cause we're broke" then turns around and buys an $700.oo laptop--- kinda losses me. Ohwell, that's the parental mind and I will never grasp it, which is the reason I will never have children of my own. If my man wants them---- we can adopt--- at hte age for 10.
On the matter of the DVDs. I got the set of herbie movies, the origanals not that new one that's out, though I want it. I also got the narnia books by standing around the silent auction and a birthday present for a friend of mine, which I'm not saying cause she comes one here heartsweatdrop
I must say good night, its gettting late on this side and my cat won't tolerate it if I wake him up when I go into my room... he gets irritable and wakes me up at 5 am when i do that. xdheart
:: Teh Lys ::
PS when/if you reply, please don't critisize me for how I talk about my parents. I don't care if you might be right or if it offends you. I'm saying this to be honest of my own thoughts and get very annoyed when someone tries to tell me I'm a b***h when I already know that. However, I wasn't born a b***h, people like you make me this way. Hugs & Kisses