Sakura is an 18 year old hybrid, half demon - half angel, daughter of Abaddon, god of Chaos, and Arella, goddess of sanctity. Forced out of her world at a young age she was sent to mortalis (gaia) to repent for her wrongdoings until her 21st birthday when she will grow her wings by birthright and be sent to Oblivion where she will carry out her duty as the keeper of the three worlds: heaven, hell, and mortal. But what happens when she grows so fond of mortalis that she refuses to leave? Her parents send out search parties of demons, angels, and mortals alike on her trail to bring her back, as she runs away, and whilst slowly regaining her long lost powers she struggles to hold on to what little piece of normalcy she has left.
Blissful Xinn · Tue Feb 14, 2006 @ 04:13pm · 2 Comments |