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Hey all. This is my journal. Most of it's just a bunch of random stuff.

Taiana Hanama
Community Member
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iOrganic Fox

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User name: Taiana Hanama
Character name: Anabella Phoenix
Age: 18
3 Describing Words: Unemotional, Quiet, Rude
Role: Servant to 1st Prince of Claubё


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[Servant to the 1st Prince of Claubё]
"Strength is no more than how well you hide your pain"
Going Down Swinging

But you can call me Phoenix, Ana, Bella, or just Anabella...anything you wish really, if you're a higher up..
I am 18 years old.
I have grey hair and bright green eyes.
I weigh 98lbs and am 5'1" tall.
I am like this: Anabella was raised to not show her feelings. At all. She is known to be an unemotional, well....b***h. She's very good at what she was taught, because showing emotion was a sign of weakness in her family, and if you were weak, you were beat to be strengthened up. The only time she ever shows emotion is when she's sleeping, she has horrid nightmares, or playing some sort of instrument. She doesn't like it when people are around her when she sleeps, afraid they'll see her weakness. She does like a good conversation, and even more so a good sparing. Working in the castle for so long has helped her a bit with showing emotion...but just a little bit.
Here's a few things I like:
The dark
Playing any stringed instrument
Here's a few things I hate:
Having to serve people
Being stuck inside
Bright lights
People who show to much emotion
Anything Else?: Anabella loves to play stringed instruments, especially the piano and violin. But no one knows...at least she thinks no one knows.
Taiana Hanama controls me.


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User name: Taiana Hanama
Character name: Alexander Landon
Age: 20
3 Describing Words: Brotherly, Protective, Hardheaded
Role: Servant to 2nd Princess of Frieden



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Servant to 2nd Princess of Frieden
I Shoot first and ask questions later, and don't worry, no matter what happens, I will protect you.
Who I Am Hates Who I've Been--Relent K

But you can call me Alex, Landon.
I am 20 years old.
I have red-brown hair and
I weigh 188lbs and am
I am like this: Alex is a kind hearted man. But
only towards the people he trusts. He's got the big brother act going on with Bastet. He was the one who was with her when she was alone in her room all those years. He is very protective of her, seeing as he was raised just to protect her, to make sure she didn't get hurt. When he found out the Princess had to go marry some demon, he was furious. Blinded by fury he took his anger out on a couple of soldiers....and ended up spending the night in prison, with a big notch out of his left ear, and a long scar going from his right eye to his jaw. So now he's decided he's going to make sure Bastet is safe and protected no matter what the cost is to him.

Here's a few things I like:
Thunder storms
Being outside
Sword fighting
Riding horses
Here's a few things I hate:
Cruel words toward the Princess
Loud noise
Getting wet
My tail being pulled
The Princess being scared
Anything Else?: When he gets angry, his finger nails grow out to a point, like unsheathing claws.
Taiana Hanama controls me.

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