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Hey all. This is my journal. Most of it's just a bunch of random stuff.

Taiana Hanama
Community Member

Username: Taiana Hanama
Name: Rowena O'Cleirigh
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Position: Rider
Dragon: Carrick
Personality: She's a rough and tumble kinda gal. She likes to get down and dirty, and isn't afraid to get hurt. She is quiet, doesn't like to talk. But that doesn't mean she won't give you a piece of her mind. She has a fiery temper that will go off at the slightest remark, especially if you comment on how short she is (she's okay 5'0" wink . Carrick is there to watch out for her, and make sure she doesn't get into any trouble.
Weapons: A six foot long bow, a pair of twin daggers, and a long sword.
Powers: She has the ability to manipulate the shadows around her. And no matter what, she'll never miss her mark, whether she's throwing a dagger, shooting an arrow, or swinging a sword, if she truly wants to hit it, she will.
Appearance: User Image
Appearance of dragon: User Image

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