Oh boy. So later today, I went to my relative's house for a party, just like I usually do on holidays. And as usual, it's completely nuts downstairs. Idessa, my niece, Olivia, and Qumas (mostly known as Q, or Q the Qrazy Quman) start out nice and calm. I stayed with Bella, Idessa's new dog. So, we're all just hanging around, me watching them, making sure they don't get in trouble (all of them are around six), and just holding Bella while she was sleeping. Then, as usual, things went insane. Q started kicking, throwing, and generally messing things up, Olivia cried about every little thing, Idessa started wailing when Q threw a lego at her, and I stayed in the middle, completely calm, with a sleeping puppy. I got Idessa to quiet down by having her step on my shoes and dancing with me, then Olivia and Q wanted to dance too. That went well for...five minutes. Peace and quiet, then craziness again. But I'll have to write more tomorrow. I'm exhausted right now...G'night! ^_^
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