if you've read all my other journal entries, you can guess where my parents are right now. *sigh* all it's all gonna get worse Febuaray 1st...
my mom is a florist and a manger for the flower shop she works at. as you can imagine Valentines is very stressful anyone who works with flowers, because there are so many orders for them this time of year. because she is stressed so much (which is understandable) we have to come in and help her out.
well, all of us plus one really tiny room equals nothing but stress, caos, and catasrophe. all this is gonna make them wanna go drink (apparently they think it would help stress). when they come home they are always drunk and it just makes even more stress and fighting. this is absolutely unaviodable. i know because i've had to go through this since i was 10 years old.
ugh, thats why i hate valentines day so much. plus i never have anyone to comfort me (as in a boyfriend) on this kind of day. im hopeing at least that will change this year...
oO NiiGHTSKY Oo Community Member |