well, today i was over working myself so much i almost fel asleep on my bus and missed my stop!!! *groun* why can't i ever say "no" to all the stuff i volenteer for?! oh well, i'll live one way or another! xd
i wish my parents would stop fighting with my sister. it makes it hard to consenyrte on everything sometimes. i wish my sister was smart enough to just STAY AWAY FROM THEM!!! geez, you would think they like to fight!!!
well, my parents are the ones picking the fights today. they were bringing up with me things that were from months ago that we both dropped- or so i thought.
*sigh* i have been rufusing to say "i love you mom!!" cheerfully and willingly lately.i just dont fell like "loving" them right now!!! and they always say not to lie, but when i dont, i end up getting in trouble!!! GRRR! sorry, im rambling again aren't i?
antone that doesn't kow me well will discover that i apoligize about just abnout about everything. some people find it anoying, becuase sometimes its not even my fault or im saying sorry for saying sorry!
sometimes i feel like everything in this friggin world is my fault. of course i know thats not true, but many people (im not saying names) make it seem as everything i do is always wrong no matter how hard i try to make everything as good as possible for everyone else!
ugh, i guess i am rambling again huh? well i'll stop before i end up punching and breaking the computer out of anger/frustration and start taking it all out on my soccer ball like i did earlier....no, i'll ending busting this soccer ball again- the same way too.....
oO NiiGHTSKY Oo Community Member |